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Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Fifteen: 'I let the food on the fridge and took a walk. I walked into the forest, and found a sugar gem on the floor. '

2023-12-18 23:35:28

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Sixteen: 'Sparky gave me another sugar gem this day'

2023-12-19 23:53:02

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Seventeen: 'Today was raining. I put my coat on and jumped into the puddles. Then I tripped with a sugar gem. It was painful, but at least I'm ok!'

2023-12-20 20:23:16

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Eighteen: 'I took a visit to all the place making new friends, also I found some sugar gems on the Bearmuda Bay.
Then I came home to watch a movie'

2023-12-21 21:14:52

Puppylol Avatar

The Feast of Frosted Stars: by October
Day Nineteen: 'Today I got a too tired. I worked so much to do more for the party, and I couldn't get outside. My pets though helped me to catch some sugar gems through..'

2023-12-22 23:32:12