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freychuu Avatar

Day 11: Chou

“We are nearly at our destination. We walked past fields of flowers, caves filled with minerals, forests of frogberts and slowly we reached an area with a colder climate. Good thing Cocoa and I packed up! Otherwise we would’ve frozen during nighttime. Snow started falling and nighttime fell. We set up camp and built a little fire to keep us warm. Cocoa wasn’t tired yet so she built us a little snowman friend while I was making food. Another day goes by! We are getting closer and closer and I cannot hold my excitement.”

2023-12-14 00:01:23

freychuu Avatar

Realized I missed 4 days so I won’t be able to get the reward. Sadly their journey ends here. I’d like to imagine they realized the star shower at the lake already passed and there would be no use in continuing their adventure

2023-12-14 00:08:34