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Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 10
This time, I wasn't dreaming - I was able to find a sugar gem out in the yard before bedtime!

2023-12-13 05:10:26

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 11
I can't believe it - I found THREE sugar gems tonight! Man oh man, my friends are gonna be jealous tomorrow!!

2023-12-14 04:48:44

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 12
Ohhh I'm too sleepy to look for sugar gems tonight... I'll just have to dream about them instead. Mmmm, so crunchy...

2023-12-15 09:52:54

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 13
Couldn't find any sugar gems tonight, but I was also pretty hungry, so I probably didn't really look enough...

2023-12-16 09:40:48

Sunnie Avatar

Bonbon's Sugar Gem Log: Day 14
I thought I found a sugar gem, but it ended up just being a sparkly rock. At least that's still cool!

2023-12-17 18:28:19