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suuffle Avatar

⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 9

> Today is the ninth day of my sugar gem search, I decided to take a more relaxed approach. Instead of searching far and wide, I decided to take things slow and look around the areas close to home. I also took more time to look up at the captivating snowing sky and appreciate the beauty of the shooting stars from afar. I didn't find any sugar gems today, but I did find peace and happiness.

2023-12-09 19:05:50

suuffle Avatar

⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 10

> Winter is in full swing. The weather was cold and snowy today, but I knew that the sugar gems were still out there waiting to be found. So I bundled up and ventured out onto the frozen lake, determined to find at least one sugar gem. I kept my eyes peeled for any signs of the magically tasty treats.

> As I walked across the icy lake, I could see my breath in the air and feel the crunch of the snow beneath my paws. The frozen lake was covered in a beautiful sheet of ice, which made for a serene environment and a perfect ice skating rink. I could see a faint reflection of myself..

> And what do you know — just when I was completely lost in thought, a sparkly sugar gem landed on my head!

2023-12-10 19:57:56

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⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 11

> The weather took a turn for the worse.. It was freezing cold and the snow was falling heavily, making visibility difficult.
I opted to stay in the comforts of my home today.

> Although I didn't get to continue my search for sugar gems, it was a day well spent. I had a movie marathon and I stayed up late to browse and online shop for great deals. I can't wait to nestle back into my warm blanket and pillows. They're waiting for me..

2023-12-11 19:56:20

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⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 12

> After yesterday's snowstorm, the snow has become thick and has not stopped falling yet. Even though the weather wasn't the most ideal, I decided to make the most out of it and made a snow angel.

> As I was enjoying the snow, I spotted a few precious sugar gems stuck in the snow. I quickly collected them excitedly. The thought of tasting their sweetness once more motivates me.

2023-12-12 16:26:03

suuffle Avatar

⚖️ Libra's Sugar Gem Log: Day 13

> Today was a wonderful day! I decided to build a snowman and whilst doing that, I spotted a baobear sitting on a pile of snow. I was shocked at first...

> We got acquainted and got to talking about the sugar gems and how many we've collected so far. We ended up making more snowmen together and exchanging stories about our sugar gem findings. By the end of the day, I was glad to have had such a fun experience with them.

2023-12-13 19:22:50