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comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar gem log day 4:
ive seen one or two fall the previous nights, but i think the amount falling is increasing as time goes on? :0 i still have the one collected yesterday... i name it grass (because its green)

2023-12-05 06:02:01

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar log day 5: i found a blue one on the floor today! picked it up and called it water (because its blue) ive put it next to grass, and they both slightly glow next to each other :D

2023-12-05 22:07:53

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar long day 6: today i found a found a yellow one when i was getting some groceries ! named it sand - im getting quite a collection !

2023-12-07 09:26:49

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar log day 7 - sniffed the blooming peonies today and smelt something... sugary? oh! it's a pink one. what is pink... sweetness I guess? uvu

2023-12-09 02:18:46

comfyjean Avatar

eggs sugar log day 8: i have seem to collected all of them!! now to put them in my mouth :D theyre sugary and sweet! and they do taste like different things!!! this is the jackpot!

2023-12-28 00:05:34