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Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day Four
It took Izzy a little longer to wake up and do his chores then usual. He was still thinking about the falling Sugar Stars and the Sparkies. He wondered what would happen if he gathered some Sugar Stars. Would the Sparkies be attracted to the Stars? Could he keep himself from eating them all?

2023-12-04 09:39:11 (Edited 2023-12-04 09:39:29)

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day Five
He spent all afternoon, setting out buckets and baskets around his home, in the babao's pasture, and around his telescope on his roof. He didn't know how many sugar stars he would catch this early in the season, but it should get him started in his research.

2023-12-05 07:11:30

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day Six
Izzy was so busy putting out buckets and caring for his babaos, that he missed the sunset. His nebulan friend had to tug at his arm just to get his attention. The sky was growing dark, and the stars were just starting to twinkle. If he ran, he could be by his telescope just in time for the Sugar Gem shower!

2023-12-06 07:14:58

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy’s Sugar Gem Gathering Log: Day Seven
Izzy didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep until he felt something tug on his tail. He shook a little to make it stop, only for the tugging to transfer to his arm! He shook again, then the tugging reached his ear! He was comfortable! Why did he need to - and that’s when he realized the warmth he felt was from the sun. He’d fallen asleep during the Sugar Star shower!

2023-12-07 07:50:28