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squish Avatar

Siopao's Sugar Gem Log: Day 1
Heard about these mysterious, colorful sugar gems that to seem to appear randomly as of late. Where do they come from?

2023-12-01 11:20:43

squish Avatar

(replied to the wrong comment)

2023-12-06 00:39:21 (Edited 2023-12-06 00:40:26)

squish Avatar

Siopao's Sugar Gem Log: Day 2
Knowing Hoku and his vast knowledge about space, I invited him to go stargazing. Maybe he'll know more about these mysterious sugar gems.

2023-12-02 06:27:52

squish Avatar

Siopao's Sugar Gem Log: Day 3
Met up with Hoku at Misty's place, and boy does he have a TON of books about stars and space!

2023-12-03 03:35:27

squish Avatar

Siopao's Sugar Gem Log: Day 4
Found a nice spot on a hill next to Misty's place and Hoku setups the telescope. The stars sure are pretty tonight.

2023-12-04 07:32:40