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Bloo Avatar

Day: 15 Creamtopus

After spending the rest of the evening looking for secrets I think I stumbled on a secret cove! It’s covered in crystals and a little army of creamtopus! I will go over and see until then!

2023-08-24 16:54:30

Bloo Avatar

Day 16: Creamtopus

The time has come! I crawled through and everything is just so beautiful! Wow, simply breath taking. The creamtopus seem to be gathering around a rather large crystal… I will try to not disturb them. Till next time

2023-08-25 15:19:06

Bloo Avatar

Day 17: Creamtopus

After yesterday’s adventure I fell asleep carelessly and am now surrounded. The creamtopus are curious as to how I got here…I can only assume. So far so good, but it seems they want to take me some place. I will follow.

2023-08-26 14:51:31

Bloo Avatar

Day 18: Creamtopus

Currently down a long crystal covered path and their numbers are growing..should I be worried?? I have no idea they seem very inviting so long is the path.

2023-08-27 20:20:42

Bloo Avatar

Day 19: Creamtopus

The path lead to an unbelievable sight. Truly breath taking. There was a mini world under here and I’m not sure how many others have seen this wonderful place. After the long travel we have taken a sudden stop. The creamtopus surround me and starts doing a little dance..what does this mean??

2023-08-28 13:58:38