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owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Fizz (Day 18):
Beach fun time!!! \o/ Well, mostly for me anyway! I think everyone had way too many snacks yesterday because no one was up for playing volleyball with me... ;v;

Almost had a big scare though! I went to grab a volleyball to toss in the air for fun and when I caught it I realized I'd grabbed a Creamtopus!!! :O I set the poor thing down right away and apologized! I was about to go yell at the ocean but then it nudged my foot and raised some of its little arms?? legs?? and I knew it wanted to be tossed again! Adorable! ;O;

(Note: i didn't know creamtopi liked to have fun this much! i really underestimated the little guys!!)

2023-08-21 14:12:40

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 19):
Yesterday was my day off since I was busy making treats for everybao that asked the other day, but now I'm back at it again. I was going to start off the day with a nice treat of my own (since I didn't save any for myself ;;), but when I went up to the popsicle cart to grab one, there was a brown Creamtopus inside! It was struggling to open up the popsicle packaging so I decided to help it out and prop up the popsicle where it could eat it properly. I was so worried about making sure that poor Creamtopus had some food that I completely forgot about getting myself a popsicle too!

(Note: Maybe I'll wait until our big summer blowout to indulge in some summer treats...)

2023-08-22 16:00:55

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Pop (Day 20):
It's prep day! A bunch of baos, including Zest, are busy setting up the summer party for tomorrow. They're all running around setting up tables and umbrellas and making sure they've accounted for everybao who said they'd be here! I think the creamtopi saw all the commotion and thought that there would be food but they've since scattered to who knows where. (I've never seen the beach so empty of those little guys!) I wonder just how many creamtopi will show up tomorrow...

(Note: You got this, Zest! I believe in you!)

2023-08-23 14:45:40

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 21):
The summer blowout party was a blast! (Is that the appropriate word to use?) So many baos showed up to celebrate and when the festivities kicked off, dozens of creamtopi started coming out of the sand woodwork. Our party team set up games for everyone to play, platters of treats for everyone to partake in, and plenty of seating. There were contests and even raffle prizes to go around! (One of them was to get featured on Bearmillion's Bearstagram!) The creamtopi were so lively too! Tons of new friendships were formed and they even seemed excited to watch all the games baos were playing.

When things were coming to a close, fireworks were set off! (I wonder who set them up.) In a way, it felt like summer was ending and just kicking off at the same time. What a way to celebrate it...

(Note: I think the creamtopi's favorite game was bean bag toss!)

2023-08-24 15:31:03