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owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Doodle (Day 11):
i'm writing today's log for zest since he and chocto are taking time away from the beach,,, i saw so many creamtopi! SO MANY...

i lost count at maybe ?? 31! i think it's because a lot of baos were hanging out at the beach with snacks... creamtopi and i would get along great,, we love treats!

(Note: i got to be a sand merbao again! and don't worry zest i didn't forget to bring you snacks too <3)

2023-08-14 15:19:23

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 12):
Today was interesting to say the least! Back at the beach once more, I decided to begin snacking on some of the treats Doodle got me! I even got myself a nice bubble tea to go with them. When one of the pearls got stuck in my straw, I got the bright idea to try and blow it out to dislodge it. Well, it worked! And then it shot straight into the water. Some of the nearby creamtopi started making their way towards it, but a Humphrey snatched it right up! The poor creamtopi were dejected, but then realized that I was the one with all the treats. I made a quick getaway after that!

(Note: I made a new friend but not the one I expected to make!)

2023-08-15 14:28:59

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 13):
Creamtopi, despite being in the Archipelago to find food for themselves, are quite helpful to one another! It was a little windier today than usual (and the waves a bit stronger) and it caused a brown Creamtopus to flip over. Thinking I was the only one who noticed, I got up to go help. Before I could make it to the poor Creamtopus though, 2 creamtopi (white and pink respectively) went over and helped get it upright again!

(Note: That Humphrey I met yesterday (aptly named Pearl) is now one of Doodle's companions. I figured it was only right considering the snacks!)

2023-08-16 14:39:32

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 14):
Music! Creamtopi respond to music! A bunch of fellow researchers at the beach thought a fun music jam would be a nice way to start off the day and apparently, so did the creamtopi. Treats were shared, new friends made, and as the creamtopi continued on their hunt, they did so with a little spring in their step.

(Note: Whenever summer ends and our cataloguing days are done, we should celebrate!)

2023-08-17 14:38:38

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 15):
The weather was perfect today! A light breeze, shining sun, and tolerably warm sand almost had me nodding off in my seat. I would've dozed off too if not for a pile of rocks somebao set up! At first, I was simply curious as to why but I figured it was just for fun. What really caught my attention though was a white Creamtopus with an awfully determined look on its face. When it reached the rock pile, it moved off of a rock I hadn't noticed it cradling and very carefully placed it on the stack. I watched it go back and forth, finding more rocks and placing more on the pile. Finally, when there seemed to be no more rocks in the nearby vicinity to pile on, the Creamtopus victoriously went off in search of food!

(Note: I wonder if somebao had started the pile and the Creamtopus felt a strong urge to build on it. A collaboration!)

2023-08-18 14:54:22