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Curious-Insanity Avatar

Mochi's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 4
Today was much the same as before, with the Creamtopus taking the food from my palm and moving away, but this time it wasn't quite as quick and stayed nearby for a little while after finishing. This is definitely a good sign.

2023-08-11 23:10:11

Curious-Insanity Avatar

Mochi's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 5
Today was a great success! While it still didn't stay for long, the Creamtopus let me give it a quick pat on the head while it ate from my paw. I think we will be good friends.

2023-08-13 23:49:26

Curious-Insanity Avatar

Mochi's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 6
Things are going well, as predicted. The Creamtopus now plays around me for a bit before coming in to eat, and more than simply allowing me to pet it, I'm almost certain it leant into it!

2023-08-16 04:19:18

Curious-Insanity Avatar

Mochi's Creamtopus Catalogue - Day 7
Success! Not only did the Creamtopus show up before I came out with the treats, but it followed me back for a time afterwards! It kept nudging me for pats, I think it is a rather affectionate creature now that it feels safe with me.

2023-08-17 12:09:51