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owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 6):
Lucky and I were on a little research break playing fetch when a rather large, pink Creamtopus (just like those fancy strawberries) crept up and joined in on the fun! Lucky, of course, was much faster than the Creamtopus at getting to the stick, but after a bit, he let the Creamtopus win. Our mollusc friend was so happy, it twirled the stick like a baton!

(Note: I believe the plumpness of the Creamtopus is because it had a hefty meal! It's nice that even the creamtopi can relax and have fun when not focused on finding food.)

2023-08-09 14:19:09

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 7):
It's been a week of research and, as of this morning, I had yet to see creamtopi sleeping! I made it my mission today to find out exactly what their behavior is like when sleeping/going to sleep. 12 creamtopi were milling around as I walked along the beach on the hunt for a sleeping Creamtopus. I was about to move on when I spotted what looked like just the top of one (the cone?). Moving closer, I realized the Creamtopus had burrowed into the wet sand to rest! Now that I'd seen one, it was easier to spot at least 6 more scattered across the length of the beach.

(Note: I wonder what it'd be like to sleep covered in wet sand... )

2023-08-10 14:11:52

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Pop (Day 8):
I don't know what to write here exactly, but I'll try my best! Right now, I see 9 creamtopi on the beach and more in the water (4?). Of the ones on the beach, 4 are pink, 3 are brown, and 2 are white. Hopefully my math adds up correctly! I triple checked to make sure!!!

(Note: Zest couldn't write today's log because Doodle convinced him to try out being a sand mermaid!)

2023-08-11 14:24:55

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 9):
As thanks to Pop for helping me yesterday, I treated him to a summer special we could share! While we were eating a little ways away from the beach, I noticed the very top of a Creamtopus' head peeking out from behind Pop. When I pointed it out to him, he just nodded and I realized he'd been sneaking it spoonfuls of ice cream while we were talking. I was surprised by just how far creamtopi will go off the beach sands to find food!

(Note: I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering just how far they migrate... )

2023-08-12 15:04:50

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 10):
Chocto and I decided to take a stroll along the beach today since the weather was so nice! The breeze was nice and the creamtopi (21 in total) were seemingly at ease too. Things took a turn when I mistakenly forgot to look up after wanting to take a break in the shade of a tall palm. I was chatting to Chocto about all the things we've seen so far when suddenly a loud Thunk! hit the sand beside me.

An angrian had fallen!

After it climbed back up into its tree, I turned to make sure Chocto was alright after the scare and he was nowhere to be found... (Later, I found him tucked under a nearby beach blanket!)

(Note: Creamtopi are non-confrontational it seems.)

(Note 2: Always remember to look up!)

2023-08-13 14:25:18 (Edited 2023-08-13 14:26:42)