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comfyjean Avatar

creamtopus catalogue day 1:
couldn't sleep so that calls for a night beach adventure! I found this... creature moving around... maybe I found a new species! I'm going to be famous!!! hopefully I can look at it in the day time when the sun goes up.

2023-08-05 23:59:56

comfyjean Avatar

creamtopus catalogue day 2:
saw these strange creatures in the daylight, theyre so round.... i really want to eat it, but i dont think thats a good idea... i did accidently kick one though i know theyre not poisonous at least :( going to my friends later today to register the new species!!! excited

2023-08-12 08:32:30

comfyjean Avatar

creamtopus catalogue day 3:
walked along side the beach again, and I saw a sign that these things already have a name?? creamtopus?? I was going to name them octocreams... my hopes of fame and research glory is over. bought myself a shaved ice to make myself feel better

2023-08-20 14:25:37