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Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue -Day 3:
Creamtopus didn't accept my ice cream, so I brought out the big guns: popsicles, ice cream sandwiches, shaved ice, frozen chocolate dipped bananas....they must like one of those!!!

2023-08-04 02:46:28

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue -Day 4:
Creamtopus seems to like shaved ice! So far grape syrup is their favorite, they are fond on how their tongue turns purple. Maybe bring more colorful syrups next time.

2023-08-05 16:04:34

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue -Day 5:
Me and Creamtopus are friends now! They was wiggling their little tentacles...arms..around when I arrived! Not entirely sure if they was happy to see me or the food I brought.

2023-08-07 00:49:54

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue -Day 6:
Something curious happened today, while I was visiting Creamtopus, a Gully started aproaching us. Creamtopus and Gully started a staring contest. Ctreamtopus puffed his chest and so did the Gully! Things seemed really intense, I wonder what that was about.

2023-08-09 03:10:58

Juuri-No-Sekai Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue -Day 7:
Creamtopus and Gully tensions seems to be escalating into a fight!...A dance fight? It's hard to say what they are doing, they are basically wiggling and jiggling around while walking in circles from each other. Not sure if I should interfeer but its kinda cute.

2023-08-10 02:05:30