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August 3, 2023

Creamtopi are the talk of the town! Many baos are visiting the beaches just to get a glimpse of the cute little creatures. And so many have already adopted them. Yesterday we shared some worries for the ecosystem’s newest addition. But our researches have noted that the behavior of a creamtopus is very peaceful. Other than being overzealous for a treat, the mollusk does not participate in any activity that would be a cause of concern. In fact, the main thing these reports have shown is that the creamtopi seem to rely on us baos for food!

It’s a complete 180 from what we expected from life from the wild ocean! The creamtopi mystery has our attention, and we will be sure to keep updating you the viewers on any news. So please send in your own stories of interactions to help us here at Bao Broadcasting Corporation keep on top of this hot topic. Until next time!

2023-08-04 02:19:04