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dragondoggo Avatar

Azalea’s Creamtopus Catalogue- Day 1:
I have been scouting out the beach, keeping my eye out for the creamtopi while I observe other creatures as well. I am very excited to spot one!! I wonder what they are like in person?

2023-08-02 16:34:43

dragondoggo Avatar

Azalea’s Creamtopus Catalogue Day 2- I thought I saw one, but it was just an ice cream cone someone had dropped on the ground… The search continues!

2023-08-03 20:05:39

dragondoggo Avatar

Azalea’s Creamtopus Catalogue Day 3- The waves breaking under the bright clear sky are so pretty. I got distracted collecting seashells today, and didn’t see any creamtopi…

2023-08-04 19:20:40

dragondoggo Avatar

Azalea's Creamtopus Catalogue Day 4- I took a little ice cream break, and wow!! A creamtopus came right up to me while I was eating! I guess sometimes taking breaks is helpful >w< It's so cute!

2023-08-05 18:27:32

dragondoggo Avatar

Azalea’s Creamtopus Catalogue Day 5- The creamtopus has been following me around ever since I gave it some ice cream!

2023-08-08 10:46:48