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owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 1): I saw my very first Creamtopus today. It approached me quite politely and reminded me of chocolate... and it was just as sweet! I shared my cup of shaved ice with it (as it seemed interested) and it followed me everywhere afterwards.

(Note: It's safe to say I've made a new friend!)

2023-08-01 18:11:48

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 2):
I was on the lookout for a fellow cataloger today to partner up with when I spotted Doodle snoozing away under a beach umbrella. To my surprise, there was a small group of creamtopi clustered around. Knowing Doodle's eating habits, they must have smelled the crumbs and come scuttling as quick as they could!

(Note: I wonder just how good their sense of smell is!)

2023-08-02 17:57:23

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 3):
Ever since I learned that creamtopi migrate to the coasts of Abaolone (for its famous summer delicacies), I was curious to see just how entranced they were with food from the Archipelago versus food from New Bao City. I brought biscuits from Rosebeary's Bistro to test out and, lo and behold, they really weren't as interested! Most of the creamtopi (8 in this group) took note of the treats I brought, but moved on quickly. Just as I was about to call it a day though, a creamy white (like vanilla) Creamtopus came closer and happily took its time munching through all the biscuits I'd laid out.

(Note: What a brave Creamtopus! Glad I could provide a meal!)

2023-08-03 14:59:25

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Fizz (Day 4):
Zest got pretty sunburnt yesterday is busy today so I am OFFICIALLY taking over the log!! \o/ Frutti and I set out for our grand adventure of creamtopi study when we saw some commotion over at, our favorite place, the tidepools! :O We rushed right over to see a bunch of creamtopi eating through what looked like somebao's fallen ice cream!!! ;n; All the commotion seemed to be coming from a Gully who was trying to sneak bites in here and there! So that's what all the fuss was about!! ^^

(Note: zest !! i'm really proud of myself! look at me being all professional :D the little doodles i added in really give it that extra oomph)

2023-08-04 15:13:25

owletmail Avatar

Creamtopus Catalogue - Zest (Day 5):
After a short break, I was back on the hunt for more creamtopi research at the beach today. Incredibly, I made it just in time to see Fizz spike a volleyball so hard it sent one of her fruit skewers flying to the top of somebao's umbrella. Quicker than I expected, 5 creamtopi of various colors began stacking on top of one another so the one at the very top of the stack could bring down the treat for all to share! Poor Fizz, but great teamwork by the creamtopi involved.

(Note: As a thanks for taking over the log, I plan to get her some new fruit skewers to enjoy!)

2023-08-08 22:02:29