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Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Log - Day 1:
Observed 12 Creamstopus crawling onto the beach in various groups (scoops?) of two and three. What to call these groups?

2023-08-01 16:51:16

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Log - Day 2:
Watched a small scoop of creamstopi gather around a popsicle someone had dropped. I've never seen anything disappear that fast!

2023-08-03 05:05:42

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Log - Day 3:
Thought I saw a few creamstopi by the dock, where I was sitting, and now I can't find my lunch. Suspicious!

2023-08-04 17:59:20

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Log - Day 4:
The creamstopi seem to prefer sweets to anything else. They don't seem interested in my offerings of bread, but they swarm over whatever candy I leave in the sand for them.

2023-08-06 03:48:03

Gabrielsknife Avatar

Izzy's Log - Day 5:
While I was packing up for the day, one of the vanilla creamstopi crawled towards my bags. It looked like it was waiting for something, so I gave it a popsicle. Was it curious about me?

2023-08-09 05:36:41