Comments on Events Page

bao Avatar
bao Staff Member

Treasure Island Part 4: Entries
To participate, pick a tile and add in your part of the sandcastle! You can make a submission ONCE a month. After you have done so, please post it in the MOST RECENT comment in this thread for the next player to draw on.

For example:
A: Draws their tile, posts image link
B: Downloads A's image, draws their tile on the new image, posts image link with tiles A and B as a reply to player A.
C: Download's B's image, draws their tile on the new image, posts image link with tiles A, B, and C, as a reply to player B.
... and so on!

When posting images link, to make sure it shows as an image, please use this code: [your text here](URL)
For example, here is my part!

Please DO NOT use discord files (these will not show up properly). Thank you!

2024-05-31 17:42:45 (Edited 2024-05-31 17:45:51)

softsy Avatar
softsy Staff Member

YAY! here is my part!

2024-05-31 18:13:41 (Edited 2024-05-31 18:17:03)

Royalisk Avatar

My part! Hope this works

2024-06-01 22:22:26 (Edited 2024-06-01 22:22:49)

sunpurr Avatar

my part!!!

2024-06-09 10:10:15

Strabi Avatar

here's my part!

2024-06-09 21:11:34