MYO-224: Cyrill

Owned by Monadx0x0
Bon Baoyage Quest Log


MYO-224: Cyrill

"Fate is called as such, for it cannot be changed, nor can it be reversed. It can only but be accepted." — Mona, Genshin Impact

> Cyrill, the Intrepid
  • Male (he/him, they/them)
  • Adult age
  • assistant & apprentice to the great beast-wizard Cyhilgoh who resides in the Badlands
  • often called "little one" or "creature" or "apprentice"

  • made to combat the loneliness of Cyhilgoh, so naturally Cyrill is the brightest personality this side of the Badlands
  • isn't afraid of anything! this ends up getting them in trouble more often than not…
  • travels a lot to get Cyhilgoh things, and makes a LOT of friends on his travels
  • likes to write letters to all his friends when he's at home to update them on how he's doing
  • can be a little clumsy at times… sometimes forget where his magic tools are (but NEVER forgets his hat!)
  • dreams of one day becoming a GREAT WIZARD…
  • one of his favorite things in the whole wide world (beside his master) is Berry-Os (basically like froot loops)
  • his magic gets stronger and stronger every day!

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