Submission (#450) Approved

18 November 2022, 20:16:31 UTC (1 year ago)
19 November 2022, 03:52:40 UTC (1 year ago) by bao


Traveling through Grizzly Glade, Crumbs sets off to adventure. She was crawling through the flowers that ranged from small, tall, fat, and skinny. The soft dirt that lay under her feet felt nice on a day like this as she travels further and further until she comes across a small little pink and purple bunny-like thing, she was confused and hesitated to approach the small thing. As she got closer, she realized it was a tiny creature that looked like a bunny. Crumbs decided to come closer and try and reach out to pet the cute little bun, but the little bun jumps away seeming skittish and scared. Crumbs noticed the bun looking behind her at a small flower that looked fresh and very pretty “Do you want this?” Crumbs said as she pointed at the flower. The little bun nodded and scurried to Crumb's feet. She grabs the flower and hands it down to the small bunny and notices the bunny also has cute little wings. The bunny snags it out of her hands and starts to gobble it down as fast as it could. “Oh wow! You must have been very hungry! Would you like to come with me and find more for you to eat?” The bun ran around Crumb's feet excitedly and nodded as it did so. “Okay! Well, let’s go!” Crumbs and the little bunny walked off through the flowers together to find more of the yummy little flowers the bun enjoyed!

im very insecure to post my work, if i HAVE to post it to the gallery feel free to decline this and ill try and draw something instead. Just don't like sharing my work due to my lack of self esteem and mental stuff.


Reward Amount
Deleted Asset 1
Deleted Asset 10
Flutterbun 1


Skill Amount

Stat & Level Rewards

User Rewards
No user rewards.
Character Rewards
No character rewards.

Bonus Rewards

User Rewards
No bonus user EXP
No bonus user points
Character Rewards
No bonus character EXP
No bonus character points



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

creamiiapuff's Bank

Currency Quantity