📚 Submission Guide

Created: 16 October 2022, 14:55:55 UTC
Last updated: 13 June 2024, 15:21:37 UTC

The main activity in baobears is the completion of prompts (also known as 'quests'). You can find these in the Events or Prompts page of the site! Beans and other rewards can be earned by participating in these prompts. Events and general prompts can be completed by anyone, with or without a baobear. 

However, please be aware that there are some rules to keep in mind when completing any prompts, as listed below.


When submitting prompts, please aware that there are some general rules to follow, or else your submission will be rejected.

  • All art and writing must be your own.
    • Commissioned art or writing can be used to claim rewards only by the original artist/writer.
  • Art and writing must be unique.
    • Bases (ex. YCH's) cannot be used.
    • You cannot use the same piece of art or writing for more than one quest.
  • You may use any form of your baobear (including human) for all prompts unless specified.
    • However, human forms should have bear ears (and not human ears) and must at least vaguely resemble the baobear.
  • For fullbody, at least 75% of the baobear must be showing.
    • Anything less qualifies for half the rewards (if applicable), rounded up ex. 5 becomes 3 (2.5 rounded up)
  • We want to be quite lenient when it comes to scene/background requirements. So long as there is effort showing, we will accept the submission. However, please keep in mind the following:
    • The baobear should be interacting with environment.
    • There should be a sense of depth (fore/mid/background).
    • There are multiple elements (at least 3 'large' items; 'floating' elements like sparkles, mini flowers, hearts do not count).
  • NPCs can be used for event and city hub prompts instead of a baobear you own.
  • Please include bean reward calculations & totals when submitting. Mods will do their best to give out appropriate rewards when you do not include calculations, but these may not be accurate. 
    • DO NOT add rewards under the character section, i.e. do not add "character rewards", thank you!

When submitting prompts, make sure you have included all information and that submission URLs are visible to guests.
We recommend making use of the gallery feature!

If your submission in the gallery is rejected, try making the resolution/size of your image smaller (max. 1000x1000px in width and height)


Click below to view a brief submission guide.


Click below to view a brief submission guide.

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​[2] ★ BON BAOYAGE Extra Rules

If you have a baobear, we reccommend completing BON BAOYAGE, the ARPG's main quest line! At the very least, we encourage users to complete the prologue / registration process for their baobear to show that gift art/writing is allowed.

The following rules apply IN ADDITION to the rules in the above section [3] ★ General & Event Prompts:

    • You can only use your own baobear to complete prompts.
      • NPCs or baobears owned by another person cannot be used as the 'main character' for these prompts.
    • You can repeat quests once per baobear.
      • For example, if you completed chapter one with bao A, you must continue to chapter two with bao A.
      • If you want to complete chapter two with bao B, you must complete chapter one twice (once for bao A, another for bao B).
    • These quests can be completed any time, at your own pace, but must be done in order. That is, you cannot skip the prologue and do chapter 1, etc.
    • When completing a bon baoyage quest, please select a FOCUS CHARACTER. You do not need to include any other character in this section except for the main character. See below for an example.

Submission thumbnail

When submitting prompts, make sure you have included all information and that submission URLs are visible to guests.
We reccommend using the gallery feature!

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You only need to include one character in your bon baoyage submission!