a collection of polaroids 4 you!
š¦ "a comfortable day in bearmuda bay! there are many such days like these, living in the sun and playing in the sandy shores. oh, but what is this? looks like we have a sleepy seabao taking a nap in the sand! it'sĀ bearmuda, enjoying her favorite past-time sunbathing as she usually does! let's leave her be - ah! a wave caught her, but she doesn't seem bothered... (are you sure it's okay to leave bearmuda like this...?)"
š "you see, i was just tending to my garden here and assembling a few bouquets for my friends and customers. when all of a sudden, a slimpy tongue flew out at my face! when i collected myself for a moment, i realized it was a frogbert - pink as the flowers it hid in. i'm not sure how i missed it, but it certainly was a pleasant surprise! maybe i should stop zoning out while i work so i don't accidentally give someone a bouquet of frogberts!"
š„¬ "looks like you caught me at a great time, cousin! look at this here harvest we just finished gatherin' up! you could make a whole ton of stuff with a big ball of cabbage like this! salad, a good soup, anything, really! what's that, you still have the heads of cabbage i gave you last time you visited? well, not to fret, i'll restock you! don't thank me, just take it! don't be shy, there's more where that came from! hey, where are you going?"
Submitted By tuna
for āļø Precious Polaroids
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Submitted: 1 month ago ć»
Last Updated: 1 month ago