Seasonal Activities: Ice Fishing

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Shelbert picked up the bucket and plopped it down beside his stool. He took a seat and got settled. Truffle was on the other side pouring out a hot cup of cocoa, which he handed over to Shelbert.

“Thanks,” Shelbert accepted the hot drink and took a sip.

Tarte was leaning against the side of the little hut they built, specifically for this occasion. He had his sketchbook with him, busy doodling something in it. Although not many baobears knew, Tarte was actually quite the artist. It’s also how he expresses himself best.

“Did you want a cup too?” Truffle asked Tarte.

The yellow and blue baobear simply shook his head, then went straight back to his doodles. A thump could be heard from outside the hut they were all in.

“Bud is out skating?” Truffle asked.

“Yep. Just skidding around.” Shelbert picked up his fishing pole and inspected the lure. Once he was satisfied, he lowered it into the hole they cut out a few hours earlier. Ice fishing was one of Shelbert’s favourite activities during winter. Truffle enjoyed tagging along because he got to sit and sip hot chocolate. Tarte was dragged along, unwillingly, while Bud was super excited to jump around the area. Another thud was heard.

“The hut will still hold up if Bud keeps smacking into it, right?” Tarte finally spoke up.

Shelbert waved his worries away with a paw, “It’ll hold,” he reassured. He watched his lure disappear into the icy waters. “I hope the trout are hungry.”

Truffle poured himself another drink. “Are trout the most desired?”

“I would love to catch a pike!” Shelbert smiled. “I haven’t caught one yet. I’ve caught bass and trout, mostly.”

Tarte was scribbling away, his pencil loudly scratching against the page. His bangs hung in front of his face, as per usual, concealing his face from the others. Truffle refilled Shelbert’s cup and leaned back against the wall of the hut.

Thump. Thump. 

“Maybe I should tell him to ease up on the ice…,” Truffle pondered.

“Nah, let him have some fun.” He felt a tug on his line. Shelbert waited patiently, letting the fish drag the lure so that it could successfully take hold within its mouth. “He has been looking forward to this trip for a long time now.”

“Since spring,” muttered Tarte.

“He wouldn’t be quiet about it,” chuckled Shelbert. He had gone fishing many times that he knew in his heart when was the right time to start reeling it in. It was almost that moment.

Truffle looked into the hole before them. “It looks very deep.”

“It should be. The lake is quite deep. You can only traverse it with a boat during summer,” Shelbert said. He started to turn the reel, feeling the string tighten as he did so. “Here it comes!” he yelled.

Truffle held his breath as he watched. Even Tarte stopped drawing and brushed his hair aside to watch. They waited as Shelbert played tug-a-war with the fish.

“It’s a big one!” Shelbert huffed as he held onto his rod for dear life. “Get that bucket ready!”

Truffle promptly picked up the bucket they brought and was gearing up to catch the fish. The bucket, however, was only a bit larger than the hole they had cut into the ice. He wondered if it would really fit a ‘big one’.

“Come on, come on!” Shelbert kept reeling it in. The fish was giving its best too.


Bud apparently skidded against the hut, which made everyone jump. At that moment, Shelbert’s focus had been disrupted and he accidentally loosened the reel. The fish started to get loose and it probably felt the release. In a split second, the string went limp. Shelbert reeled it all the way in and saw that the fish took the bait and the lure.

“Drats!” Shelbert sat back down, disappointed.

Truffle put the bucket back down and sighed. Tarte’s pencil was scratching the paper’s surface again.


“Perhaps…you should tell Bud to take a break and come inside…,” Shelbert rubbed his temples. He needed to fix on a new lure and more bait if they wanted dinner.

Tarte got up suddenly, which made both Truffle and Shelbert look at him. “I will go get him.” He shoved his hands into his jacket’s pockets and exited the hut.

“What’s he been sketching?” Shelbert asked out of curiosity. He grabbed his tool bag and fetched his tweezers and a new lure. “I better not lose this one too..,” he muttered under his breath.

Truffle took a quick peek at Tarte’s sketchbook before he got back. Tarte would probably be upset if he knew they looked. “Looks like he’s sketching us fishing.”

Amazement crossed Shelbert’s face, “What? That’s awesome!”

“Well…so far it looks like we are disappointed and your fishing rod is broken.”

Shelbert frowned. “It is not broken. Just missing the lure!” The new one was put on promptly and he opened his can of bait. Some chicken liver.

Bud could be heard complaining. His little voice whined all the way into the hut. “But I was skatinnnng.”

Tarte followed in after him. “Your skating scared off the fish.”

The baobaby plopped himself down next to Truffle. Truffle picked up a new mug and poured the baby a cup. Bud was pouting, wiggling his little legs on the ice.

“You can go back out again…after we catch dinner,” Selbert said with a wink.

“It’s so boring in here,” Bud rolled onto his back. It was a good thing they were all covered in thick fur, otherwise the cold may bother them. Regardless, Truffle and Tarte had thick clothes on. Shelbert had only a light jacket while Bud was just bare.

“I told you to wear your mitts at least,” warned Shelbert. “You’re going to catch a cold.”

“I am not cold,” Bud spat back.

Carefully, Shelbert lowered the lure into the hole once more. “You say that now, but you’re going to wish you wore them. And your hat…”

“Have some cocoa while it’s still hot,” Truffle nudged the cup closer to Bud.

“I don’t want any. I just want to skate.”

Tarte started to sketch again. Shelbert watched the string carefully; his focus solely on catching them some fish.

“Please let me go back outside. I promise I won’t bump into the hut anymore.”

“If you knew how to properly stop while skating, maybe.” Truffle said before drinking from his mug. Bud frowned at him.

“Shhhh…a master must focus,” whispered Shelbert. Everyone went quiet, even Bud looked into the hole.

“How do you know there are any fish?” Bud asked.

“There are always fish in this lake. In the winter time, they gather here,” explained Shelbert.


“Because it is where they come to feed and the warmest spot in the area.”

“Are there no food in the other parts of the lake?”

“Not as much as here. The fish eat other fish, so if fish are here, it’ll attract more.”


Shelbert rolled his eyes. “Bud, I need to focus.”

“Boooooring.” Bud stuck his tongue out at him.

With intense focus, he waited. Soon, the string started to drift, and then a tug, and then the string went rigid. This time, the fish seemed to be pulling violently against him. Shelbert had to grab the reel and steady it. “Ho ho! This one's a fighter!”

Truffle grabbed the bucket again. Tarte watched. Shelbert put his back into it, and he started to reel it in. The fish tugged and tugged but it was no match for the fisher’s strength. Shelbert made sure not to tighten it too much or the string may snap. He used his expertise in fishing to drag the fish in. Soon, there was splashing at the hole. 

“Here she comes!” Shelbert secured the fish and dragged it up out of the hole with its tail still beating against the water. Truffle was getting soaked from holding the bucket nearby. 

Just when Shelbert pulled the fish completely out of the water, a scream was heard from inside the hut. Everyone turned in a panic to see what had happened. Bud had gotten his tongue stuck on one of the icicles that had formed inside the hut. The fish was still wriggling and took that moment to wriggle harder. Shelbert lost his grip and the fish plummeted back into the hole. 

There was a silence in the hut. A dreadful feeling in all of them.

“Was that a pike?” Truffle broke the silence.


Seasonal Activities: Ice Fishing
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In Quest Spotlight ・ By Kewkie
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Submitted By Kewkie for 📌 Seasonal Activities
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

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