What could this be?
Today was an interesting day. Dachi had been out foraging for Swirlberries when he discovered an old path that hadn't been very well maintained. Curiosity took over and he started walking it. Wondering where the path might take him.
He followed it for awhile walking until his feet ached and he was considering going home. But as he was about to turn back. He spotted something that didnt quite match the profile of the rest of the forest.
Cocking his head slightly, He brought a paw to his face and hummed softly. Walking through the foliage until he came to a clearing. At the center of it was a well!
He had no idea a well would be out here. In fact it was ages away from any form of civilization. There were no ruins or anything to suggest a village had once been here. But here it was. A little ominous in a way. But his piqued curiosity wouldn't let him turn away. So the little Baobear walked up to the well and propped himself up on the ledge before hopping up to look inside. The stone digging into his soft tummy and causing him to burp before he focused on the bottom of the well.
At the bottom something shined. It was hard to see with shadows filling the well instead of water. But after squinting. He saw it was Beans! Lots and lots of Beans!
"Woaah!" He exclaimed.
Dachi peered closer and noticed there were some other items at the bottom. Lots of random knick knacks scattered the bottom of the well. Were Baos discarding their trash here? No, that couldn't be it. There was no waste. Each item seemed to have have meaning.
He frowned as he thought about it. Something tickling the back of his mind. He knew what this was. He read it in a book. But he couldn't-
A Wishing Well!
He gasped with excitement. Shuffling his belly off the stone and began patting himself down. Looking for a bean to throw into the well so he could make a wish.
When he came up empty. He made a sound of disappointment. Looking into the well again and lamenting his wish that wouldn't come true. Until one of those items caught his eye. Sparking an idea in his head.
Shuffling in his bag. he produced a pebble. Shiny and smooth. Warm to the touch. He wasn't sure what kind of rock it was. But he knew it was lucky! Clutching it in his fist. He wondered if his lucky pebble was worth a wish...
After much debate. He leaned into the well. Then dropped his pebble in. Fingers opening reluctantly. The pebble clattering down the walls of the well until it hit the soil at the bottom. Dachi closing his eyes and making his wish.
Nothing immediately happened. But he was confident his wish would come true! With the sun setting. Dachi jumped off the well wall and headed back toward the trail. He needed to get home before it was dark.
Maybe his wish would be granted when he woke up tomorrow...
Submitted By Nyuin
for ❌ The Wishing Well
Submitted: 2 months ago ・
Last Updated: 2 months ago