Flower Friends Forever 2

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Despite the incident at the last tea party he went to (which wasn't even his fault, Bearmillion just came up to him and began complaining at him), Theobear was invited to another one! And what luck, it was an event for chefs, bakers, and anybody interested in the world of food and drinks!

Despite his usual laissez-faire attitude, Theobear was actually excited for this event. A chance to taste new foods (potentially suggest them to his boss) and drinks (maybe he could recreate them) was filling him with joy. The possibilities of what he could learn and experience were endless in his mind.

Also, Bearmillion is an influencer, so they definitely wouldn't be at this one to come and be passive-agressive to Theo this time. There wasn't much that could go wrong (he made the mistake last time of thinking that nothing would go wrong, so he didn't want to jinx it this time), so Theo wasn't worried at all.

...And finally, the day of the tea party arrived. Theo was dressed in his best outfit (just his usual outfit, but his apron was a slightly different shade than his normal one) and his fur was practically shining. He wanted to look good, as he was representing the café, and it was just good form to dress well for big events. Theo walked into the area it was being held (it was another outdoor tea party), and just began wandering around.

He kept wandering until he stumbled upon a familiar grumpy face; it was Rosebeary!

Theo course corrected himself to go talk to Rosebeary as the two have met at other events before, and actually got on well, despite their differences in personality.

"Rosebeary. I shoulda known ya would be at this tea party. How's it been?"

"It's been well. Business at the bistro has been growing, which is unfortunately due to that Bearmillion fellow posting about it online."

Another thing these two could relate on: they don't get along well with Bearmillion, albeit for different reasons. Theo doesn't know what he did to piss them off, and Rosebeary just dislikes their attitude. 

"Ah, yeah. Glad they're not here at this one. I met 'em at the last tea party I went to, and lemme tell ya... it didn't go well at all."

Rosebeary nodded, understanding completely what must've happened.

"They really are troublesome. It's astonishing that they're still plenty popular online despite their atrocious behavior."

Theo nodded, and then changed the conversation topic: "I know ya don't wanna keep talkin' about Bearmillion, so, what did ya dish did ya bring to this event?"

Missing no beat, Rosebeary starts talking about the cookies he brought:

"I'm glad you asked. Since most people come to my bistro for my cookies and breakfast foods, I had to think over what I would make. It's a tea party, so cookies were more appropriate. I wanted to experiment a bit, so I made cookies that look like cloud clovers. Thing is, I also used some cloud clovers I gathered to make them, so the cookies look and taste like cloud clovers."

Theobear was nodding along the whole time, eagerly taking in the information. He was glad his friend was so passionate about his baking, just as Theo himself was passionate about mixology.

And so, the two spent the rest of the event talking to each other and tasting all the treats prepared for the event. All in all, it was a much better time than the previous tea party that Theobear went to.

Flower Friends Forever 2
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In Event Spotlight ・ By RonicTM
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Submitted By RonicTM for ❌ Flower Friends Forever
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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