Flower Friends Forever

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What is the best benefit to attending a tea party?

Free snacks?.. That’s good, but you can get that elsewhere.

A chance to look at pretty flowers?.. Also good, but you can still do that easily elsewhere.

Get a break for once?.. Compelling, but not quite there.

It’s getting to meet up with new (and old) faces to socialize! Have you learned nothing from history and manhwas? It’s the perfect place to learn the latest hot gossip, be passive aggressive, and just chat it up with other people!

And passive aggressiveness was certainly off the charts at this specific tea party. 

Why? Well, that’s because Bearmillion was there! And boy, were they not especially happy to be at this one.

Why? Their rival was here!.. Well, less of a rival and more of a “I dislike this Baobear so much because he can never get my order right” type of dislike.

That’s right, Theobear Pawdington was here at this tea party with Bearmillion. And why was Theobear here? Well, he was invited, of course! And what baorista would turn down the opportunity to taste new teas (and coffees, for those who wanted those) to potentially make at his coffee shop? A bad one, that’s who, and while he was airheaded, he certainly wasn’t that bad of a barista (excluding dealing with Bearmillion’s pickiness, of course). 

And, unlike Bearmillion, he was actually enjoying his time at this tea party. Which just wasn’t going to work for Bearmillion; if they weren’t having fun, then Theobear doesn’t get to have fun.

So, Bearmillion strutted their way up to where Theobear was talking to the host of the tea party (he was trying to get some intel on what tea leaves and coffee beans they used) and spoke: “Well, lookie here… Theobear Pawdington? At a tea party and is actually paying attention to what another Bao is saying? Unthinkable.”

Theobear calmly looks over to Bearmillion and speaks, “Heyo. Were ya saying something t’me? I was talkin’ to someone else, so I didn’t hear ya.”

This had Bearmillion fuming (on the inside, of course. No breaking that smile on their face, they have a reputation to uphold!) and they just stared at Theobear.

“Yeah. I was talking to you. And you should’ve been listening to me. Geez, are those ears of yours just for show, or do you ever use them?”
“I use ‘em plenty, just on things that are important t’me.”

And once again, Bearmillion was sent into another fury. How dare this insubstantial baorista talk to the Bearmillion in this way? (Mind you, Theobear wasn’t really saying anything snarky back until this point, and it’s doubtful that he did it on purpose. He probably just let his mouth run before his brain caught up.)

“Ugh. You know what? You’re not worth my time. I’ve got better things to do, and photos of me and my food to take for my Bearstagram. Bye bye, little baorista~ It truly was a displeasure seeing you here today!” And with that, Bearmillion sauntered off, having more energy than when they first walked up to Theobear… oddly enough.

And, what about Theobear’s reaction to this? Well, he was just confused. A customer he’s had before comes up, insults him for a bit, then says that he’s not worth their time… when they were the one who came up to him first.

But Theobear wasn’t going to let this bother him (he’s probably not capable of being bothered by things, living in the clouds and all), so he went back to his original conversation and agenda.

All in all, it was just a weird one-off interaction that involved a one-sided hatred and conversation, if we’re being honest.

Flower Friends Forever
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In Event Spotlight ・ By RonicTM

More like flower frenemies forever, amiright?... (I'm not good at jokes)

Submitted By RonicTM for ❌ Flower Friends Forever
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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