Country Cousin, City Cousin

In Quest Spotlight ・ By Pugs
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Last time on Bon Baoyage

Both baos had explored all of the farmers market and Frankie may or may not have bought more than a bushel of apples, why did he need so many? nobody knows but he carried the basket around on his back while following Bao, they were talking about a place they could both stay the night since they took so long at the farmer's market. They were happy about the offer since he wondered what he'd be doing, he didn't mind riding the bus back but maybe they stopped sending them out this late either way to the place Bao mentioned! Frankie followed happily and they came upon a nice little farm house with a cute little fence, the archway over the fencing read Cabbaoge's Farm.

Bao knocked upon the door and it took a second before anyone answered "Bao!" a little green bao came out and hugged the other "Cousin Cabbaoge!" oh they were family! how sweet! the two finished their loving embrace as the little hat wearing Bao introduced themselves properly to the stranger. "I'm Cabbaoge and you guys need a place to stay don't ya? well i don't mind giving you a room for the night but!! you'll have to work for it, not gonna complain about that are ya?" she asked with a little hmm as Frankie shook their head as they didn't mind working for their room and board "Perfect then you can help with some of the chores around here"

She showed off the farm before them and told them what they could do, Bao was already off doing his chore now Frankie had to decide what he'd be good at so to minimize any trouble he might accidentally cause. Hmm maybe he'll pick fruit? it doesn't sound too hard as they ate an apple before taking a different basket up and went towards the orchard. Wow he got to be a lil farm hand, giddy up partner, no wait that's cowboys either way he was happy to be of help!

ok first things first he has to get a ladder when they were told where to grab it from they hurried over after setting the basket for the fruit gathering down by the tree he wanted to start on but what's this? Rutabaogas! they were surrounding the ladder! He wasn't sure what to do but step over them when one playfully took hold of the object in their hand, uh oh tug of war! they started to pull back but more rutabaogas took hold and began to tug back ";A;" oh no what is a bao to do as they kept trying to take away the ladder. Frankie put the rest of his strength into pulling and with a pop! he got the ladder back! hooray but the little veggie dogs stared at him, what did they want?

Oh no, OH NO!! THE RUTABAOGAS!! They're abducting him!! He squeaked out in panic as they took him away, Bao and Cabbaoge watched from their spot as he was taken away "City folk sure aren't cut out for farm work huh cousin?" the little farming bao took a stick and poked the veggie dogs to let go, Frankie lay there face down on the grass "You ok city slicker?" they stared up at the other and with big wet eyes that said no, nodded at the other. "Alright well back to work" no problem, the veggie dogs won't get the drop on him again as they got up, dusted themselves off, and went back to it!

Frankie climbed up the ladder set against the tree now that he was free of the little adorable veggie dogs and started picking fruit, he sniff checked each one, what did that do exactly? nothing of importance besides getting the scent of fresh fruit into their baody. Yes good this smelled like fruit which is what they wanted as they diligently kept picking and picking one tree after the next when Cabbaoge said they were good "that's enough for today, come inside and I'll make dinner" yay dinner! he put the baskets of fruit away first before hurrying over to the little farm house happily "we're having potato and meat stew".

Whoa what a yummy sounding dish! they asked if they could eat it outside under the stars once done "Hmm...sounds like fun! sure why not? do you want to help with dinner?" yes! even though he worked hard out under the sun all day, they didn't mind it at all as he peeled potato's for the stew, some small talk was made and by the time dinner was completed the stars were starting to twinkle outside. Bao helped too of course by taste testing the dish which Frankie was very grateful for as they went outside to eat, the starts overhead were very beautiful away from all the light pollution. Frankie ate a spoonful of stew and made a happy squeak noise, the other two took some bites as well and yup it was tasty as tasty could be, maybe even tastier by eating it under a night sky full of stars.

The rutabaogas returned in full force carrying Frankie away with his stew and he squeaked out in tiny as the other two just kept on munching away at dinner "just play dead! they won't bother you if you pretend!" he rapidly began to eat his stew before going limp, the rutabaogas returned with him once they realized they wouldn't play with them but it took a while to get to that as they were playfully biting and thrashing him around like a plastic bag in the wind. Frankie lay there for a few seconds before holding up his bowl for another serving and Cabbaoge gave it to him "we still got plenty but just know it's mostly going into Bao's stomach" they squeaked ok and ate what he could, besides the abduction he enjoyed this day at Baotato Valley, he wondered what morning would be like and that'll be for next time on Bon Baoyage Baotato Valley.

Country Cousin, City Cousin
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In Quest Spotlight ・ By Pugs

Frankie works hard at orchard picking!

Submitted By Pugs for 💼 [2.4] Cousin Cabbaoge
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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[Country Cousin, City Cousin by Pugs (Literature)](


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