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𖥔 Act I:
*❝You are what you eat. ❞*

☾ Pastel Rainbow Popsicle 60
Its vivacious hues would immediately catch one's attention. Icy and rigid to the touch, yet with time it will melt.

As it yields to the warmth of its surroundings, the frozen delight slowly melts into its pastel pinks, yellows, and blues. Like a soft and gentle kiss, its sweetness lingers even after it's gone, to which one craves for more.

☾ Kohakutou Crystal Jelly Gummy 74
Truly a crafted masterpiece, it resembles a sparkling gemstone.

It has an elegant and iridescent quality, its translucent structure reveals slight glimpses of its inner self, providing a sense of mystique.
The crystal jelly's glimmering surface beckons one to taste the magical world within, savoring the indulgence.

Upon consumption, one would be greeted by an explosion of textures and flavors. Its outer layer provides a satisfying crunch whilst its core is soft and chewy.

☾ Opalescent Rock Candy 77
Also known as crystal sugar, it displays a lustrous and prismatic tint, reminiscent of the beauty of an opulent opal. The jagged edges of its crystal-like surface perfectly catches the light with each sugary grain.

Creating this delicacy requires vast patience. A perfect combination of water and sugar mixed into one, allowing it to slowly evaporate to form long crystal strands.

The sweet candy's texture provides a satisfying crunch, adding to the overall enjoyment of the treat.

𖥔 Act II:
*❝Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.❞* 213

According to a legend, it is prophesied that, at unpredictable intervals, the descendants of the constellations will gradually descend, one at a time. This prophecy, though well-known, is perceived as a myth or fiction by many.

Meanwhile in a distant galaxy, two ancient planets, Proto-earth, or Venus?, and another unknown celestial body, rumored to be Theia, found themselves hurtling towards each other in a catastrophic collision.

The grandeur impact caused the planets to merge into a singular, mesmerizing sphere, entwined with remnants of their respective atmospheres and landscapes.

Within this cosmic fusion, granules of Theia's rubbles flew with lightning speed towards a nearby planet, a bear shaped one, emanating a brilliant glow.
As the heated meteor grew closer to the planet's atmosphere, a phenomenon occurred. Whereby the rubbles transformed into a new lifeform, resembling a small, pure white bear cub, with a Libra symbol on its forehead.

With high intensity, the baobear plummeted down the atmosphere and hit the surface of a shallow lake, creating a loud sound.

A mysterious figure came running over and held the warm and unconscious  baobear, before taking them in. The individual seemed to be aware of the foretold prophecy and genuinely believed in it. They took on the role of caring for the baobear for some time.

𖥔 Act III:
*❝First taste of happiness.❞* 251

It opened its tiny eyes, what a cute little thing, the mysterious figure thought to themselves as it gently held the baobear carefully, feeling the warmth of its fur.

Libra, the newly born baobear, wailed a soft cry.

"Oh, there... there... Let me get you something.. you seem to be hungry little one."
The mysterious caretaker cooed and reassured the tiny critter in a gentle tune, before placing the baobear in a secure location.

They rushed to their kitchen and opened their fridge hoping to find something suitable for the baobear.

"Hmm.. will this do?"
They questioned, grabbing a beautifully plated ice cream mochi, before heading back to the baobear's side.

Hoping that the ice cream mochi would satiate the newborn, the figure introduced the treat to it, placing it within Libra's reach.

For a moment, the critter fell silent. It watches the icy looking treat with slight glimmer.

The mysterious figure carefully feeds the newly born baobear, Libra, its first meal with their bare hand.

The baobear seems to enjoy the delicious treat as it munches on it, its cries gradually subdued. Feeling a new sense of hunger, it quickly devoured the chewy, cold and sweet ice cream mochi.

As Libra finished the icy treat, the heat within their body quickly dissipated. The temperature in their body had returned to a comforable level, no longer did it feel too hot.

Soon after consuming the filling and sweet first meal, the tired baobear quickly fell asleep, expressing contentment and happiness.

𖥔 Act IV:
*❝I seek for knowledge of the world, and that includes food. ❞* 543

Another day has unfolded, the sun has been up for some time. Yet the little baobear continues to slumber, nestled in immoderate piles of fluffy pillows.

With slight guilt, the caretaker gently rouse Libra from their peaceful slumber.

"Good morning, little one," the caretaker say, their voice warm and comforting, gently nudging the sleepy critter with their fingers.

"Would you care to join me on a little adventure to the supermarket?"

Libra's sparkling eyes widen with curiosity and they blink sleepily up at their caretaker. "Mm.. The supermarket? What's that?"
It questions, tilting their sleepy head.

The caretaker chuckle softly, their tone filled with delight,
"Ah, it's a marvelous place, my dear. It's bustling with people, filled with aisles upon aisles of intriguing products and delicious treats. It's like a treasure trove of wonders, you will surely be delighted!"

Hearing this, their ears perk up, they can't help but feel a twinge of excitement emanating from their tiny, opalescent body.

With a radiant gleam in their eyes, Libra scrambles to their tiny paws and jumps out of the comforting bed eagerly.
"Yes, caretaker! I want to go! I want to see the treasures too!"

In response to Libra's agreement to accompany them, the caretaker brought the excited baobear to a nearby local supermarket, a spacious one at that.

Sooner or later, they arrived to the entrance of the supermarket. The caretaker made sure to take a large trolley and place Libra on the specialized bao seat near the handle.

[Libra's POV:]

It was my first time going to a supermarket, and oh, what a lively and crowded place it was!

As I sat properly beside my caretaker in the bustling aisles of the local supermarket, I marveled in silence at the sensory overload that surrounded me. The vibrant colors of the fresh produce section, the tantalizing aromas wafting from the bakery, and the jolly hum and chatter of shoppers filled the air. Oh, what a place to be..

"Libra," they called me, their voice a soothing melody.
"We're here to find ingredients for tonight's dinner. Can you help me?"

I nodded eagerly, determined to be of assistance.

My dear caretaker, guided me through the maze of products, their gentle guidance providing a reassuring sense of security. I was very eager to help but as we continue to make our way through more aisles, my curious eyes were drawn to a crowd gathered near the food samples station.

My overwhelming curiosity got the best of me, and before I knew it, I leaped out of the trolley and dashed towards the food samples section with childlike enthusiasm.

I couldn't resist the scent and allure of the bite-sized treats; they beckoned me like twinkling stars in the night sky. One after another, I sampled each morsel with meticulous delight, savoring the explosion of flavors in my tiny mouth.

"Mm..! What is this? This taste amazing!"
I mouthed as I continued shoveling the samples like an addict.

"It's our specialty handmade marshmallows!"
The peculiar baobear offering samples replied with a cheerful tone.

"Oh.. mph.. what about this? And this?" "Or this?"
I kept trying the array of samples shamelessly, my cheek pouch filled to the brim. Clearly unaware that I'm bombarding the salesbao and overwhelming them with my questions.

𖥔 Act V:
*❝And the story continues. ❞* 458

I turn my head around, excited to share the delicious array of dishes with my caretaker, wanting them to try some as well.

However, to my dismay, I noticed that they were nowhere to be found. I had been too preoccupied with the tantalizing samples that I jumped off the trolley without them noticing.

I stopped gobbling the samples, what was once joy turns into unease. Being separated in a foreign place from my caretaker, I felt like a small, lost cub.

Panic began to set in, wondering if we would ever be reunited in this crowded neverending supermarket?

My cheeks still filled with remnants of yummy samples, I began to remove myself from the sampling section and moved towards the towering shelves carefully peeking at each area in an attempt to find my caretaker. I kept walking, hoping to come across them among the sea of visitors.

Fear begins to flutter in my chest, but before it can consume me entirely, I spot what seems to be another salesbao wearing a bright red vest.

Mustering up my courage to ask for help, I meekly approached the baobear.
"Excuse me, kind sir?" Libra squeaks, their voice quivering with worry. "Could you help me find my caretaker, please? We got separated.."

After explaining the situation and describing my caretaker's appearance,
the good Samaritan bends down to my level, a gentle smile gracing his face. "Of course, little one. We'll find your caretaker together."

Accepting his help, we walked side by side now on the conquest of finding my caretaker. 

After what felt like a long search, we spotted my caretaker, who immediately sighed with relief knowing that they had found me, rushing towards my side with a comforting hug.

I gave my thanks to the kind soul before they left to continue their duties.

I blushed, embarrassed at my impulsive behavior. "I-I'm sorry," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "The food samples were just too tempting.."

With a chuckle, my caretaker ruffled my opalescent fur.
"No need to apologize, little one. Your appetite for knowledge extends to your taste buds as well, it seems."

They held the baobear lovingly before placing them back on the bao seat of the trolley.
"But now, how about we focus on finding the ingredients we need for dinner later?"

I nodded, eager to make amends for my momentary lapse of judgement. Together, we resumed our journey through the aisles, my caretaker guiding me and sharing tidbits of info about foods I've never seen before along the way.

In the end, we found all the ingredients needed for our dinner, the scent of culinary delights filling the air. With contented hearts and grocery bags filled to the brim, we returned back home.

𖥔 Act VI:
*❝Longing for you means I cherish thee. ❞* 630

Years had passed, and I couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling of longing and emptiness that had settled in my heart. My caretaker, the one who had looked after me all these years, had to leave.

They had important duties to attend to on another planet and who knows when they'll ever visit again.

As I sat still in my cozy cave-like home, what was once my caretaker's quarters, I couldn't help but feel lost.

In an attempt to cheer myself up, I decided to take a breather and head to the fields nearby, the Grizzly Glade. Maybe the beauty of the blossoming seasonal flowers would ease my troubled mind.

That's when I met a certain baobear, a delightful pink-white baobear who fluttered about with their pixie wings. They fit perfectly with the beauty of the glades, I must admit.

"Greetings! You can call me Fae."
They greeted me with a smile. I must admit, their enthusiasm was contagious. They fluttered with grace as they held a precious looking flower basket with their pink coloured paws.

Though I'm not much of a talker, feeling under the weather, I ended up introducing myself and pouring my heartfelt thoughts out to them, explaining how much I missed my caretaker and how I couldn't escape this empty feeling inside.

Sensing my sadness, Fae came up with an idea.
"Why not create something as a keepsake? Something that can help you remember your caretaker and bring you comfort," Fae suggested, their pink eyes sparkling with excitement.
"I have scissors in my flower basket, and we could use any remnants of items left by your caretaker. We can make something beautiful together!"

I felt a newfound glimmer of hope ignite within me. The thought of transforming a cherished item into a memento to cope with my longing seems to be a great idea.
I agreed and hastily ran back to my home, promising to return soon.

With a rush of energy, I rummaged through my belongings, hoping to find an item that held a piece of my caretaker. And there it was—a pale violet-pink cloth, still covered with their scent. Holding it close to my heart, I ran back to the meadows, feeling the adrenaline rush kick in.

I noticed that Fae had set up a picnic cloth, and together, we sat beneath the evergrowing meadows. Patiently, they guided me through the process of creating a beautiful shawl from the cloth. As we worked, our laughter filled the air, and the melancholy slowly evaporated into thin air.

Once we finished, I wrapped the shawl around my shoulders, feeling an indescribable warmth and comfort. It was as if, for a moment, the shawl had the power to transport me to my caretaker's side. That's what I'd like to believe at least.

"Thank you for helping me, Fae! It seems that I have yet to grow up. I still have a long way to go.."
I muttered as I laid down on the picnic cloth, staring at the floating clouds above.

"No worries Libra!"
They responded with glee, before continuing. "And that's fine dear, it takes time to cope with the separation of your loved ones. That just means that you cherish and care for them!"

Hearing their words I realized that it was okay to feel this way when you cared about someone deeply. Maybe growing up meant embracing those emotions..

As a breeze rustled through the fields, Libra and Fae shared a comforting silence. The day may not have provided all the answers for Libra, but it had reminded them of the love that surrounded them, balancing the sadness of the world.

They ended their day with a joyful tea party, as the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the surroundings.

𖥔 Act VII:
*❝ Here lies my hopes and dreams. ❞* 221

Libra laid down on the soft comforts of the bed, ready to fall asleep at any moment. Yet they couldn't.

So they began pondering about their hopes and dreams, as they stared at the walls.

"Hmm.. what is it that I want to be?"
I mumbled to myself in my mind. Though physically tired, my mind can't seem to turn itself off.

Reminded of the prophecy often told by my caretaker as a bedtime story, I began to imagine other baobears like me. Those that are destined to descend down, each taking the role of the constellations.

"I suppose, since I represent the scales of justice... I would like to become stronger and more knowledgeable..."
I trailed off, before continuing my train of thoughts.
"..To become wise in my judgements and a force of positive change in this world, using my wisdom and fairness to promote harmony and balance... yes that's what I'd like.."

"And I desire to make everyone proud of me, as I improve myself on a daily baosis. I would like to someday be proud of my achievements... I can't wait to meet other baobears and my caretaker oncemore!"

Satisfied by my own answer, I quickly doze off, having the sweetest dreams. Dreaming about meeting my dear caretaker and fellow destined ones as my best and perfected self. 

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In Quest Spotlight ・ By suuffle
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Submitted By suuffle for ❌ MYO Questline (Resubmissions)View Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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