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(1) A can of sweetened condensed milk, and the base to the bao's personality. The sweetness of the milk makes the bao a kind soul and genuinely unable to be mean to others. The color and amount of milk also causes any other ingredients that affect color to be less effective, always being lighter than originally expected. (56 words)

(2) Cut up Raspberries- their sweet but acidic flavor giving the bao a personality that is both caring and kind while having a bit of bite to them when pushed into bad situations. Appearance-wise, it adds a pinkish-red color to the bao's main body, though it's much lighter than the average raspberry due to the existing condensed milk in the bao's recipe (61 Words)

(3) A small amount of pale colored sesame seeds, the kind that would be placed on a bun of a fast food burger. Though they don't change the personality much, if anything they emphasize the existing personality traits from other ingredients. They do add little freckles onto the bao's face and sides. It also lightens the body color a little bit more, turning the light color caused by the mixture of the other two ingredients into a fully pastel color close to white. (82 Words)


Kupin was made in the kitchen of a young man who was practicing magic in order to create healing food for those in need. There were plenty of people who needed it, and someone had to do the work. The intention was to make the bao to be a kitchen assistant for his healing potions and food. The little bao was also supposed to help him, it seemed fitting to have a creature made out of food helping with food. He also wanted a friend to come along with him to deliver the food, something cute in order to make the experience as calming and happy as possible. He even decided to pick the ingredients based upon his grandfather's favorite ingredients to use in food back when he still had the ability to cook on a regular basis. He was the one who had taught the younger male how to cook, so there was a grand bit of heart put into every ingredient and little motion as he put it all together. It definitely helped that the entire time he was thinking about his grandfather, and what he would like in a friend as well. He had always hated taking medicine, so perhaps healing food served by a small bear would be taken much better. He wouldn't like to be forced to take medicine, he much preferred kind words and genuine concern, something that the young man hoped the baobear would be able to provide.

The practicing magician's grandfather was the one who helped him steam the baoberry by providing the equipment needed for the process. Even though the young magician was talented, he was also unable to afford the correct supplies to steam a baoberry. He had originally declared that he would just use the microwave in his apartment in order to steam the bao- it had worked fine for the small potions that he would make, so why would this be any different? His grandfather was horrified by the idea, and made sure that the bao would be steamed properly. He had steamed baoberries before and wanted to make sure that his son could go through the process properly. Besides, it wasn't like the old man was using the steamer anymore due to his inability to cook on his own without a little bit of help.

The bao awoke surrounded by other ingredients, the kitchen of the magician's always being cluttered even during very important tasks. It wasn't exactly something that the magician could control- his apartment only had so much space that was already full of countertops and potioncraft supplies. There wasn't even a living room in the apartment, just a kitchen and a bedroom. Not a fantastic place for a person to live, but perfectly sized for a bao in the magician's opinion.

The steamer that was used for Kupin was old, but well taken care of- it was almost like it was new, especially since it had been cleaned very thoroughly before being used to steam the baoberry. It was clear that the process was done with a lot of care, even if the location wasn't the most cleanly.
(524 words)


The first thing that Kupin ever tried to eat was one of the many potions on the countertop he was steamed next to- however that was quickly taken away from him due to the fact that the potion wasn't exactly edible yet. Instead, he was provided with a small collection of berries for him to pick through. Mostly Raspberries, which the magician that created him thought would be what he was naturally inclined to, but there were other berries alongside it as well- strawberries, blueberries, cranberries, and even some of the more obscure berries that most people don't talk about.

Of course, the hungry baobaby gobbled up all of the berries that was placed in front of him, though he did also attempt to drink any potion that he could get his paws on. Luckily, he never actually drank any of the potions, instead having them replaced with water whenever possible. The colorful liquids in the potion bottles were more interesting for Kupin, but the water was definitely healthier and safer for him. He still enjoyed his meal even if he didn't get to try the potions. Maybe he could in the future, when they were closer to edible food instead of chemical mixtures- but for his first meal, water and berries would be just fine.
(216 words)


Kupin was always scared by the concept of wandering too far from home, even if his natural nature pushed him to try and explore new things- especially when it came to food. Now that he wasn't a baobaby anymore, it was also his job- to find ingredients for his friend and caretaker so that he could continue his work and help make people happy with food. Still, Kupin needed a little bit of help- he had always thought too big, wanting to go to the beach to try and find some coconuts, or wanting to wander his way into some ancient temple in the desert in order to find an ancient stash of preserved food. It was magical to think about, but when Kupin started to apply logic to it, it scared him. He could really get hurt going somewhere like that on his own. He was rather smart, but he still couldn't figure out where to go for his first big adventure. He wanted something significant, but something that wasn't dangerous- and apparently the mixture of those two things were hard to think of for Kupin.

The answer was eventually given to him in the form of a request from his caretaker- a small list of items that he needed from a local farmer's market. The concept was a little bit more scary in comparison to a supermarket- from what Kupin knew, farmer's markets had a lot more talking to others involved in the process of buying fresh produce. However, his caretaker assured him that he'd be fine, and that the items he would bring back from the farmer's market would be much better than the ones from the supermarket. The part that really encouraged Kupin was when his caretaker mentioned that he would be making a lot of people happy buying stuff for them. It was perfect, something more large scale with only a small bit of danger- and he could make people happy while exploring a new place!

At the farmer's market, he found a lot of different stalls selling a lot of different things- some of which he didn't need at all, but were interesting to look at. When he got to the section of the market that had most of the food, he was surrounded by different smells and the sound of cooking equipment and utensils. It was a bit overwhelming, but certainly not in a bad way. Kupin tried his best to stay focused, but he also would have been lying if he said that he didn't try a few free samples while he picked up the ingredients that were needed.

While his bag was full of produce- berries and fruits mostly- he was chewing away at another free sample. This one was some sort of chocolate treat that was deep fried and then covered in flour and placed into an orb of dough. It was such a strange mixture of savory and sweet that Kupin couldn't help but be impressed and overjoyed about it.
(501 words)


Kupin was pretty self-sufficient, when you're assisting someone with such an important task, you had to be. However, there were some moments that he had some troubles beyond his capabilities. He could open a pickle jar, he could travel across the fields and roads of the world without issues, but he did have one obstacle that he found himself freezing up at. Heights. He hadn't even noticed that he had been climbing up that high in order to get the flour that was needed for the next recipe- it felt as if one moment he was on the ground and the next he was peeking down from the shelf and having his mind reel at the drop.

He closed his eyes, carefully trying to retrace his steps backwards in order to carefully climb back down with the flour in his paws. However, from a mixture of the flour's weight, and his lack of sight, he ended up slipping and plummeting towards the counter below. Thankfully for the little bao, the flour broke his fall. Sure, the bag ended up breaking and a bunch of flour flew around and coated the counter, but it was better than Kupin getting hurt... maybe next time he would just ask someone to help him if something was too high.
(200 words)


"So! What kind of juice do you like?" Sorrel asked with a big smile on their little face. Of course, Sorrel had all kinds of juice, Kupin just had to ask. However, Kupin didn't exactly know how to answer that question. He hadn't exactly figured out what his favorite juice was. Sure, he could say that that his favorite juice was raspberry- but that felt a bit too obvious, and maybe if he said something else, Sorrel would have more respect for him. Did Sorrel even disrespect Kupin in the first place? Most likely not, but it still was a worry in the back of his mind.

"Kupin? Hello?" Sorrel asked once again, snapping the other bao back to reality, head snapping up to look at Sorrel. "Oh, sorry. I was just... thinking. I don't think I actually have a favorite juice? That feels kind of silly though..." Kupin looked away, but Sorrel was quick to cheer him up. "Don't think like that! Plenty of people don't know what their favorite drink is- that's just part of the wonderful world we live in! There's so many different kinds of juice, and so many different fruits and berries and sweet things to make juice with. Honestly, I probably can't think of my favorite juice either! We can just grab a bunch of them and go through them together! Maybe you'll find one that's your super favorite, and maybe you won't- and that's okay!"

The other bao tilted his head. "Really? But, what if someone else asks me what kind of juice I like, and I"m not able to answer? Don't I need a solid understanding of what I like?" Sorrel scoffed. "No way! Anyone who genuinely believes that has no sense of adventure! Say, you're made with raspberries, yeah?" Kupin nodded. "Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with anything-" Sorrel kept going, cutting Kupin off. "If you only ate raspberries for the rest of your days, that'd be so boring, right?" He considered it for a moment. "Yeah.. that would be pretty boring... so... I guess only having one favorite juice and I drank that all the time... that'd get pretty boring too, huh?"

Sorrel nodded. "Exactly! See, I know you'd understand what I'm talking about! So, how about a different question? What's your favorite flavor- sweet, sour, spicy?" There was a pause, and after a few more minutes, Sorrel added something else. "Youuu can choose multiple flavors too." Kupin perked up. "Oh! In that case, I really like sweet and tart flavors! Though, I've never heard of a tart drink before..."

The green bao was already moving, running off and starting to grab little cups and various little foods that were meant to be juiced. "There's plenty of tart drinks! I'll make a big bundle of sweet and tart things for you to try! Just stay right there okay?"

Kupin didn't want to leave anyways, but now that he was asked to, he wasn't going to move an inch.... he certainly hoped that he'd like at least one of these drinks.
(515 words)


Change was hard to imagine, especially for Kupin. He could barely even sleep when he thought about the future, about what might happen to him as he continued on his days and nights. His goals were vague, wanting to be happy and help others in all the ways that he could. His hopes were even more vague. He hoped for things to be happy and bright, whatever that meant at the time. He had no big dreams, he had no direct plans to get to his goals, he barely even knew if he would look the same in the future. He had seen it, too. Baos had come around and said hello to him, but they didn't look like him. They had wings and claws and all sorts of different appearances.

He turned over on his side, putting his little paws over his eyes and making a small noise of distress. If he ever did want to change how he looked, what would he even do? Maybe he would sprout a pair of wings himself? Or perhaps there was a chance he would sprout a horn on his head- but honestly that might be a bit too intimidating for his liking. Well, he could think about that more in his dreams.... even if he really didn't want to.
(218 words)

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In Quest Spotlight ・ By golden-boy
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Submitted By golden-boy for ❌ MYO Questline (Resubmissions)
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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[MYO QUESTLINE 1-7 | SWEETHEART KUPIN by golden-boy (Literature)](


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