MYO QUESTLINE 1-7: 'How October was discovered'

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Cake: (61 words) Just a piece of delicious cake filled with Dulce de leche, a milk based sweet, specifically the one made for cakes. As said, Dulce de Leche is known for being sweet, but it also can be too much, just like the bao. Also, the cake is really soft, adding to the personality of the baobear. October has so many surprises too!


Tea: (53 words) A bag filled with herbs that you infuse in hot water to make a drink. Is a bit sour, but is also really soft. Putting it into a baobear would make it more soft, kind and really chill, but also a bit grouchy and sour. It also reflects little happy moments in life.


Candy: (50 words) A candy filled with spooky chocolate and enveloped! Halloween is getting closer and the treats are just really common! It adds more sweetness and childish vibes to the baobear. Probably will also add more spice and spookiness in the baobear too! Represents the cheery and fun moments halloween will make!


PART TWO: (677 words)


It was a long evening in a cozy, calm, warm house. It's the 15th of October and Halloween smells in the air. Children wearing costumes, carving pumpkins and the sweet feeling of candy.
Casually, it's the birthday of Mrs. Pumpsweet. At this moment she is preparing the table and decorating the entrance with little clay figures of treats and monsters. She was a lonely woman, probably in her 40s, but really known in the little town. Mrs. Pumpsweet is not her actual name, obviously: The children around love to call her like that since she’s really lovely to make everyone happy, especially making pumpkins and candy, chocolate, cakes and lollipops! And today was one of them. For her birthday, she invited all the kids to the house for a little party. Their parents knew Mrs. Pumpsweet really well, and they were really happy with the little action she was doing.

So, for her birthday, she prepared her favorite cake: A  sweet Vanilla cake filled with chocolate! That cake was always baked in her childhood and brings her sweet memories from October. She thinks October always has surprises for her, like that cake. She lets the kids decorate the cake with some decorations while she prepares the oven, and then prepares some cupcakes. 

While she cut the cake, she did a game: The kids would decorate the cupcake like they liked and they would get a little pumpkin as a prize. They love the idea and start to decorate. Many beautiful and cute looking cupcakes started to be created: Vampires, cats, wolves, angels or just cars and their pets. But there was one that got so much attention: A girl, probably at the age of 9, made a blueberry cupcake with cream on top and cookie stars. But at the top of the cupcake there was an orange berry looking fruit with the shape of a bear. Everyone started gasping, telling how they loved the cake, feeling jealous or trying to trade it for another of their cupcakes. She didn’t accept.

-’I found the berry while I was walking in the forest, I’ll not trade it for anything’ - Said her to the rest - ‘It’s my little treasure and I will use it now.’

Once all were done, she had already finished the cake, but now she put all the desserts, including the cupcakes, into the oven since she discovered the fridge was full. Pumpsweet turned off the oven. While she waits for the food to cool down, Mrs. Pumpsweet invites them to have fun in a game of hopscotch. Everyone there was just having fun and just waiting and thinking on the cake and the cupcakes. Suddenly a noisy ‘pop’ is heard into the kitchen. A strange and bubbly pop: the sound that would make a cake that is overcooked or broken. PumpSweet ran into the kitchen to find out a disaster: She actually forgot to close the gas stove and the oven was cooking. Luckily the oven was on minimal; some were a bit burnt and some of the decorations had just melted. However, it was just the start: Part of the cake disappeared, like if someone just ate it from the oven, a bat, ghost and pumpkin themed cupcake got affected the same way. But the blueberry cupcake disappeared completely. There was no cupcake, no stars, no bear shaped blueberry.

Everyone looked at the scene.

-’What happened to our cupcakes?’

Everyone was just confused, with some checking them, asking questions, crying. But the girl of the blueberry muffin was devastated, really devastated. She left the scene with tears in her face.

Mrs. Pumpsweet looked at the oven. It 's open. She 's confused.

-Nobody entered my house before, so nobody ate them. Also, if they did, they would have noticed the problem. Not advice, no burns, nothing.

Pumpsweet took the muffins and the cake from the oven. At this moment she looked up the little paw prints that appeared on the floor near the oven. Little paw prints that disappeared when it came to the bedroom.


PART THREE: (335 words)


From the blueberry was born a strange bear creature: It was actually a dumpling with the shape of a mini bear, with a big head and small body. It was a head filled with chocolate and moon shaped green ears; the same color as the big round cheeks and paws. The left of its head was tied like a money bag. The Dulce de Leche filling was on the body like a cake would do, and cream brown like the cake as body, arms and feet. Its eyes were shining with sweetness and smelled like blueberries for some reason: When the blueberry got cooked, it fell into the chocolate cake absorbing its main features: But the blueberry muffin was also affected by that, too. 

While nobody was watching, it started to eat the muffins toppings really fast: That was what it found, and ate happily thinking they were delicious. It also ate the remaining fondant stars from the blueberry cupcake. Enjoying their first meal, got into the cake looking for more, discovering that the oven was getting hotter and hotter, and was risking melting in some seconds. It discovers an open part of the oven and falls through it, escaping from the oven. It discovers the noise of people coming and runs through the open door of the bedroom.

It Looks through the bedroom and finds a little box. Looks for food but as through, there is nothing. However, someone opens the door and the bear enters it as a hiding spot. It hears sobs from the bedroom and peeks from the box. They came from a girl with a big bow on her head, who was using the pillow on her face. She bringed on some of the cookies on the table trying to calm down. 

The bear saw the scene. It does not know about guilt or emotions at the moment, but feels something about this girl. Probably feels empathy, without knowing, since it ate the remaining cookie she left near the box.


PART FOUR: ( 583 words)


The little bear wasn't sufficient with food. It wanted more and more. It doesn't know that it was actually bored. So, it looks out the window thinking what to do.

Mrs Pumpsweet had already finished the party. Although it was really strange and unexpected, everyone enjoyed the party. The cupcakes, even if burnt, were delicious. Everyone enjoyed their cupcakes, minus the little girl. Mrs. Pumpsweet gave her a piece of cake more than the rest to try to calm her down. 

-'Everything is going to be ok, darling'- Said Pumpsweet to her- 'We can make another.'

-'But.. How?' - Said the little girl - I can't find another berry like this

- 'We'll try to find another, let's see how.'

The bear saw the kids walking out the house, coming to their homes. Without thinking, hides into the pocket from the kangaroo plush from the bedroom, and gets taken into a house. Walking was already exhausting for it, and it felt really soothing feeling the calm and warm wind coming.

It heard something from the girl:

-'How do I tell my parents about this? I don't want to tell what happened. That I'm crying for a cupcake.'

The house of the child was a simple, yet comforting house. Filled with quite old furniture, framed paintings, green paint walls stamped with flowers and animal toys, plushies, a dollhouse and a plastic shopping cart, is something you'll see in a homelike family with a happy child. Many photos of the entire family, birthday parties, old and new portraits, and specially; frames from a girl, a little smiling girl carrying that makes you feel comforted by just seeing them.

Suddenly, the travel has stopped: The kangaroo got launched into the sofa with the little bear in, making it go in direction to the floor. Luckily, it fell into a pillow that stopped it from knocking on. Phew! But it was sufficient to leave it dizzy for a couple of seconds. The bear ran under the chair afraid of being seen before laying down on the cold floor. It heard some chatting down there:

-'How was your day with her, Li-, What's the matter? You're not really good right now? Remember you can tell anything to mommy and daddy!'

-'Nothing, I'm just really tired after the party, it was a long day! We played games, eat cake and.. made cups..- Little bear heard a sob and the slam of the door.'

-'Don't open the door now, wait for her to calm down! I see she's not prepared to say it, but remember that just in case. Now we should sleep too, give her a good night kiss and a warm hug.'

Then heard something from the door and all lights were off. Silence was on the house. It was already midnight.

After seeing it everywhere, nobody was there to see it, so it walked down the street looking for more food. The smell of food was everywhere and it looked for ways to get into it. Tried to open the fridge: nothing, it was really heavy. Tried to open the food drawed: It was locked. After looking more, it found the perfect place for it: the table! It was accessible for the bao to get into and there were a couple of things to eat: Some jars filled with sugar, cocoa and coffee in a plate; halloween treats from the party, and a box filled with cookies. The bear was really happy about its discovery and fastly started to eat.


PART FIVE (677 words)


The little bear was really enjoying its sneaky meal. After 30 minutes has already finished almost everything from the table. The only thing remaining were the jars. It started with the sugar, since it was already open: It didn't have too much, but it was sufficient to make it more hungry and more curious! Sugar was so overwhelming for it! Then it got into the coffee… Bad Idea. For a couple of minutes got more active and ate all really fast, but hated the flavor. Finally, it got into the cocoa jar. It discovered it was its favorite from it and started to eat and enjoy how soft it was, especially because the jar was completely full on cocoa. Suddenly it heard a noise, and hid into the cocoa looking for what was happening. A man came to the kitchen looking for water. He saw the jars.

-Why is there no sugar?

The bear saw that he was fulfilling all the jars; it was really happy. Then the man disappeared and the silence returned again.

It was relieved he didn't see it. After that, it returned to continue eating. It immediately got a knock on its head. After touching its head of pain, it discovered that a lid was on the jar, a strong one: The man had closed the jar with the bear inside.

It got really desperate: Tried to open it, knock it and eat more trying to find a hole. Didn't work and the time was getting shorter. The cocoa was making dust and was sniffing all the time, and also it was getting more little air. But also more: It got a tummy ache from the food it ate, making it more nervous from it. 

The time passed until it was the morning. The bear was just giving up, and was getting more tired. But it was trying to get out of the jar. It heard noise again: Everyone was waking up. Even if it knew what was going to happen, it decided to just not move. Its paws were really tired to continue. Then heard again a conversation, It was between the adults and the girl:

-'Good Morning Dad!'

-'Good Morning! We had to wake you up early: Your mom and I are going to the cinema, and you will be with her during the day.- Please be a good girl during that!'

-'I promise I'll do it!'

-'Now prepare your toys for it! She will prepare you breakfast, and will be coming for you in a minute!'

The mother took the sugar and coffee away to prepare something, leaving the plate away with the cocoa. The bear decides to try to push away the plate, making it, however, it takes attention to the mother who now holds the cocoa jar in her hands. Her mother hears some knocks on the door.

-'Pumpsweet came! She came! - Screams the girl in the door.'

She leaves the cocoa on the table to open the door. The bear knew it was the moment.

-'Hello, darling, are you ready to come with me? I prepared pancakes for you!'

-'Hi Pumpsweet! Of course I'm rea-'

A Crash! is heard from the kitchen and the family heads up to see what happened. The bear got free from the cocoa jar by crashing it, and got to the floor almost safely thanks to the cocoa. But sees the people coming on and starts to run. However, it trips over and falls into the broken glass, immediately injuring its head, body and arm. Poor bear couldn't move, and only had to accept its fate. It's going to be seen, and had to face the consequences of what it did, whatever it was. The last thing it heard was:

-'What did it do to my jar? Lily, don't walk there, I'll be cleaning.'

-'Ok mom!'

-'How did that come here? What should I do?'

-'I think I can do something for the bear, let me grab for a minute with this napkin, go to the cinema, everything will be under control…'


PART SIX (1314 words)


When the little bear woke up, smelled the hot cookies from the kitchen, but also a familiar smell. It was on Pumpsweet's house, and was laying down a pillow with plushies that the little girl has prepared. The glass was still on its body, but the scars near it were carefully covered in bands. 

-'Hi little friend, my name is Lily! I see you woke up now. You’ll be feeling well soon, just wait a second.'

She was the little girl it saw, with Pumpsweet near her. Probably Pumpsweet was telling her what to say. The bear was really scared and wanted to run, but it was really painful so it couldn’t.

-'I see you don’t have a name yet - Said Lily - What if I call you…'
She thought for a moment, before she got an idea:

-'October! It was a surprise to see you, and you look like you are ready for Halloween, hehe.'

The bear was surprised by how gentle and kind they were to it. So it nodded its head and smiled: a spooky cute smile. So yes, now it is October.

-'Your smile reminds me of a pumpkin, and I love it!'

October giggled, Izzy was really funny and caring actually.

-'My name is Sarah, actually! But everybody calls me Mrs. Pumpsweet. I’m glad you came here, luckily I know about your species.'

Species? October got a bit confused, but did not mind and just saw Lily and Pumpsweet interact and talk a bit, and try to interact with them. Time passed and October fell asleep.

Time later it woke up again. The first thing it sees are two bears like its. One wears a wizard hat, and the other has píxie wings.

-'I’m glad it didn’t get that bad. I have already taken out all the glass from its. With some of my magic will be cured in just hours!'

-'I do think is still confused about us. And we should talk about it. Oh it’s waking up, hi little friend, what’s your name? Mine is Be-Be.' 

October was surprised to see more bears like its. But it decided to talk anyway.

-'My name is October, thank you for your help.'

-'Luckily, the glass has been removed and you’re completely safe! But please keep on your pillow until I’ll tell you - Told Be-Be.

October sighed in relief. '

-'Also I forgot to tell you my name, it’s Izzy! '- Told the wizard bear - 'I do think you need answers right now, and we’ll tell you.'

-'For what?' - October was just confused.

-I'll try to tell you in the most calm and understandable way - Told Be-be - 'We are a species known as Baobears. Little dumpling shaped bears.'

- 'We do live in a little world where there are more like you. See!'

Izzy showed a photo from the place. Izzy was hanging out with more similar bears on a beach. It was a beautiful beach, since the sea was just shining on just dawn, giving it a sparkly experience.

October showed more curiosity and decided to ask for more questions.

-'How did I born?'

-'That's a good question!' -Told Izzy- 'Is a mystery how baobears are born, but I do know how you were born. You came from a baoberry: It's a berry shaped like a bear: You cook it with food and Poof! A baobear is born. From what I see you came from a cake, for your head and body. But you mysteriously smell like a blueberry to be made with chocolate..'

-'I think I ate a cupcake too!' - Laughed October. Instantly thought about Lily.

Be-be and Izzy keeped talking about their life, and October kept asking questions and talking about them. It learned not only about its origins and life, but also how to make friends. They were really sweet and it was really difficult to be afraid of them. Now they were their friends, even for this moment. Pumpsweet and Lily were watching from behind. They couldn't understand anything, but they knew that they were talking and happily watched how they interacted with October. They all had fun for an hour.

-'We all had a very good time, but we have to go now' - Said Be-Be - _We have to make some things in our world, but I did enjoy the time!'

-'I bringed some things for you!' - 'Said Izzy, handing October something. It was a magic wand made with a stick and a cookie star. - 'May not be real, but will be very fun to play with!'

-'And here is a basket full of flowers!' - 'Told Be-Be - They are really common here, but also are really comforting! I'll just give it to you, I always bring some flowers to me sometimes!'

-'It was nice to meet you! Thank you so much for your gifts, they are really precious!' - Said October - 'Good luck with the mission!'

-'Thank you! Feel better soon!'- Said Be-Be

They left the pillow and were just leaving. However, October remembered something.

-'But wait! If I want to come here, how do I go?'

-'You want to come with us?' - Told Izzy - 'I think you c-

-'No, or not at the moment'- Said October, thinking of Lily and Pumpsweet. - 'I have to recover first, but I want to be with them for a little more.'

-'I do understand' - Said Izzy - 'But don't worry! Baobears can find their home by themselves, you just need to know your own way!'

And after that, both disappeared behind the door. 

Moments Later, Lily appeared again. She had a big smile like the paintings on her house.

-'While you were talking with them, I made you a gift for you.' - Lily brings on some tiny bows on her hands, and puts the red one on the tied part of its head, on the left.

-'Now you look cuter.'

October was getting really excited for that gift, and tried to do the same: Took another red bow from her and put it on the right part, but it fell from its head, since it wasn't tied to anything. Lily thought for a bit, and left the place. Minutes later she came with Pumpsweet, hung some bakery cream on it and stuck a cookie bow on the right side.

-'Much better, how do you look?' - Said Lily hanging a mirror on it.

October looked at its new look, and giggled. They smiled.

October was much better, and also could finally sit. On what remained from the afternoon they teached some things about their lives, and favorite things. Also they ate food, played some board games while October was watching, and also taught it to write simple things on a paper sheet to make it talk. October managed to learn simple words like yes, no, hello and hungry. Pumpsweet also talked about baobears, too.

-'I do remember seeing some of you' - Said while showing some photos of baobears. - 'I do help them sometimes to know better about their world to know what to do. But please, October and Lily, don't tell anything about this! It's a secret.'

-'When my parents come on' - Said Lily - 'Can I take it home?'

-'Yes, but keep it on this little box - Told Sarah showing her a round box - Is perfect for dumplings!'

Time passed, and it was time to come home. Lily carried the box, and Pumpsweet handed some dumplings inside it. October started to eat.

-It may be hungry at night, so I bringed some food for you! - Said Pumpsweet - Now it's late, but you can hang on later!

-'Goodbye, Pumpsweet! I'll see you tomorrow!'

-'Goodbye Lily! Goodbye October!'

Lily walked with their parents back home.

Sarah though for a minute

-'October has many surprises for me!'

She may have known about baobears, but she knows that has more to learn about them. Nor her or Lily knows about baoberry and how it appears, but knows that it is in good hands.


PART SEVEN: (1430 words)


Lily got home and got to her bedroom. Opened the box to see October for one time and show her toys. Played a bit with October carefully, like Pumpsweet told her to do. Then she told:

-I’m going to tell them what happened, October. I’m not gonna be afraid to tell them because they are going to be worried if I don't, and I have you to make me happy again. Of course I’m not going to talk about you, October.

Then, Lily closed up the door. But October wanted to see, and managed to open it. After exploring a bit, finds Lily. She was hugging her parents with happiness. It heard:

-It 's ok, Lily! I’m glad you told it to us! 

-I do understand how proud you were of your cupcake, I would feel sad if it disappeared like that. 

-Thank you so much for understanding! Now I’ll prepare for school. This long weekend has been so cool!

Lily happily got into her bedroom. Her parents looked confused, but smiled knowing they made a good choice. October returned again to her bedroom.

She showed off some things in October. School, baths and also read some books. If their parents came to her room. Lily would say she was reading for her plushies. 

Time passed and now it was time to sleep. Their parents gave her a goodnight kiss, and Lily did the same to October. Then Lily turned off the lamp.

October dreamed for the first time in its life. It wasn't really complete but it was a really pleasant dream. It dreamed of Izzy and Sarah, and their gentle warm smiles. They were preparing tea while listening to the calm music. Really loved that environment full of love and kindness. The happy vibes of Lily, the calm manner of Pumpsweet; just a calm and gentle moment.

But also, dreamed with the two bears it knew: Izzy and Be-Be: They were really great upon their first meeting, and it was really reflected in its dream. They came into the Baoniverse and visited many of the places they showed it: They ate food from the Rosebeary's Bistro, watched the night come down and see the stars shine, and then try trick and treating on the doors. Then they saw the sun come in the Bearmuda Bay, with the shiny water starting to sparkle. Into the Baotato valley, they sat down into the calm breeze while the dandelions launched their seeds to fly. They returned to New Bao City, sitting down on a bench. October was really surprised for how extended was the Baoniverse, but looked sad. Then she asked:

-How do I know my best choice for me?

Izzy watched October for a second. Then he said:

-I don't have an exact answer, but the perfect choice will be to know yourself: How you are? What do you want? Then you'll find the answer. Know your own way!

October though about things that happened: The cupcakes, cookies, fears, and its cozy home. Ghosts, pumpkins, bats; just like the cupcake it saw. The night, the morning. The moon and the sun. Then, it remembered how calm it was in the place, its own mischiefs, and also how it wanted everyone to be happy. Wanted to surprise someone, and getting out of boredom: October imagined holding the magic wand, making it sparkle like a New Year celebration, and running with it leaving stars in the sky. Also giggling while the flowers fell from the trees. Scaring someone on Halloween with its new tricks. And surprising Be-be by putting a flower on her head. But also the fear of thinking that it did something wrong, really wrong, like when it got trapped and especially when it got injured. 

October knew that its way is to make happy everywhere it goes, and have fun while doing it. Would look for places to make more smile, laugh or just feel annoyed. And learn something every day. 'October has a lot of surprises' would say Mrs. Pumpsweet. 'Your smile looks like a pumpkin, and I love it!' would say Lily. October got perfectly the halloween spirit, and the birthday one too.

-'You have changed so much!' - Said Be-be surprised showing October a mirror- 'Look!' 

October woke up. Got out of the box and looked in the bedroom's mirror. Be-be was right. It has changed compared to how it looked before. Its head was a bit darker, and colorful sparkles appeared. Green spots and stains were on its body. And some of its parts have shining green sparkles. But specially, its eyes have changed. Now they shined, a weak but noticeable bright, like a little cookie star. It smiled and tried to roar behind the mirror. 

October looked up at the bedroom. Lily was gone. She already came to school. The sun was already shining. So it prepared things to go to the Baoniverse. After the dream it wanted to go there to find out new things. Will go there for the night, but knows that will return to the little town again sometime. Hid the things on the box and drew on the box the adventures it imagined. 

Lily came home minutes later.

-Hi October! I see you have changed since the last time! You look really cute!

October giggled.

-I made this drawing for you, I did it on school break! Do you like it?
October saw it. It was a drawing of October eating sweets. It nodded its head smiling. 

-I casually had a question also, are you a boy or a girl? October didn’t respond, so Lily wrote out a paper sheet with the two words. October pointed out the ‘girl’ word. After talking for the first time with the baobears, it was convinced she was a girl.

-Thank you! 

After lunch, they played again in Pumpsweet’s house. Lily told her about October and played together again. Learned more and had fun by dressing this time, and dancing until the evening passed. October was feeling sad, since she knew that it was the last time will see them. And didn’t know how to talk to tell them. So she hugged Pumpsweet before coming home again. Mrs Pumpsweet came home to find a flower on the table, with a note that said ‘October’. The night came and like usual, Lily gave October a goodnight kiss, but she also received a hug as a response. Lily got confused, since October is not used to doing that, but she hugged her too, being careful to not crush October.

-Thank you so much, October. You’re the best bear, and I’ll love you so much!

October smiled again. However, when she got into the box, started to cry. October cried for half an hour that night.

The morning passed, and Lily opened the box carefully to see October before school. However, she wasn't there. The drawing, wand, basket and food disappeared completely, only leaving one note. ‘Goodbye’.

Lily was sad, she discovered that October left the place, and told Pumpsweet to know if is there after school.

-’Is not here’- Said Pumpweet. - ‘From the notes, it seems that October got to her world. But at least, I think she will be happier here, knowing new friends.‘

Lily smiled, and she did too.

-’Nothing lasts forever, Lily.’


Two weeks later, Lily wakes up from her bed. It's 31st of October and she starts to prepare for school. However she sees a note near the box. She kept the box as a reminder of October, with some drawings into it. It said: 'Open it'. She opens it, and sees a letter, it was from October:


'Dear Lily, I'm so sorry for going up like this: I couldn't talk or write like this to tell Pumpsweet and you that, but I hope you're well and prepared for Halloween!  

When I came to Baoniverse I always thought about both, so I learned to write and read during this time. I made new friends and I'll show you photos later, if the mail goes well.

I ate your cupcake, and I'm sorry to do that, since I was hungry when I came, but I have a solution: I found a Baoberry on my way, and I wanted to give it to you, and make the same cupcake you did. However, watch out for the oven at all moments, you're not going to regret it, I believe!' 

'Happy Halloween!'

'Greetings, October!'


Near the card, was the berry that Lily found in the forest; the same berry with its orange color and bear shape.

MYO QUESTLINE 1-7: 'How October was discovered'
2 ・ 0
In Quest Spotlight ・ By Puppylol

This is my first try as writing, and might have some mistakes since english is not my first language! Hope you like it :D!

Submitted By Puppylol for ❌ MYO Questline (Resubmissions)View Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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