MYO QUESTLINE (1-7) "Valley"

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1: Sweet crystal lily of the valley: 72 words

Sweet crystal lily of the valley is a wildflower found in the gardens of pure-hearted people, this flower resembles small crystal bells that are crisp and have a sweet taste that is similar to that of strawberries. Its sweet and soft aroma and its delicate presence and sweetness, when used as Baobears filler, generates in them a soft and sensitive personality, as well as a fragrance that captivates those who smell it.

2: Clover Honey: 53 Words

Clover honey is a sweet, smooth honey extracted from the honeycombs of clover bees, with subtle citrus and floral hints and a creamy texture. Baobears that are filled with this honey have a sweet and energizing personality and have an incredible ability to make Baobears feel better when they are discouraged or tired.

3: Lavender Jam: 59 Words

Lavender jam is made from lavender flowers that have been bathed in the sweet morning dew. These flowers go through a careful selection to choose the softest and most tender flowers and then cook them with love to create this jam. Baobears filled with this jam get a soft lavender color and a calm, empathetic personality that calms anyone.

PART TWO (791 Words)

In a meadow in the countryside, stood a small, rustic cabin by the river. At the sight of the cabin, there was a warm feeling in one's heart and a breeze was blowing, bringing with it a soft smell of spring, which carried away all the troubles. In that cabin, which was far from the village, lived a sweet and tender old couple, but as the years went by, the husband began to get sick. The kind old woman took care of him with care and affection, waiting for her beloved to recover, but sad was the day when he went away in the sweet sleep of the night, leaving his beloved alone. That old woman felt sad for the departure of her beloved husband who accompanied her for years and was her life companion, but at the same time, she was calm, because she knew that he was no longer suffering and was taking care of her from the beautiful sky.

As the days went by, that old woman felt more lonely in that cabin, she missed feeling her husband's presence, sadly they could never have children, so she did not wait for anyone to visit her, she only spent the days taking care of the animals in her farm and cultivating the vegetables in her garden, but the feeling of loneliness never faded away.

During the night, that sweet old woman dreamed of the memory of her husband eating the food she prepared for him, he always said that there was no better food than the one prepared by his beloved, she dreamed of that foreign dish she cooked for him, sweet dumplings that her husband loved so much. When she woke up, she had a feeling of nostalgia, and decided to prepare that dish that reminded her so much of her beloved. Determined, she began to gather the ingredients to prepare that dessert, lilies of the valley under the shade of a birch tree, clover honey and lavender to make her delicious jam. While preparing her dessert, she began to remember the afternoons where she used to have picnics with her beloved, how they enjoyed going to the river to watch the birds and enjoy the breeze, those memories made tears fall from the eyes of the sweet old lady, but they were not bitter tears, they were tears of happiness remembering such beautiful moments she spent with her husband, And as if he had sent her a sign, a beautiful bird arrived at the kitchen window, carrying in its beak a strange berry, that berry seemed so appetizing and sweet to the old lady, that she decided to add it to one of the desserts she was preparing because she thought her husband had sent it to her.

The grandmother waited for her dessert to finish cooking while she listened to the singing of the bird that stayed with her. When the time passed, the old woman went to see what she was cooking and great was her surprise when she saw that there was a little bear inside the steamer, she did not know how it had gotten there but the woman was startled to see that the little bear was moving. When the bear opened her eyes and saw the lady who was looking at her, she smiled and raised her little arms in request for the grandmother to lift her up and she succeeded, the woman was so amazed by that little lavender colored bear that she took it delicately in her hands and observed it carefully, it did not seem dangerous, it was just the opposite, it seemed helpless, like a little newborn creature, it had a sweet aroma and its texture was soft, but in spite of seeing that little bear with sweetness, the lady who was holding it did not understand it, the lady who was holding her did not understand how she had gotten there, until she thought of the bird in its beak, she looked at the window but the bird was no longer there, so she approached the window with the bear still in her hands and felt the singing of the bird and a breeze that brought a beautiful flower to the window, then she turned her eyes back to the bear that had fallen asleep in her hands and understood everything. The little bear was a gift that her husband had sent her from heaven so that she would never be alone again, and so it was, the old woman was never alone again, since she had the company of that gift that her beloved had sent her, that gift that kept her company until the day of her departure, that gift that she called Valley.

PART THREE (302 Words)

The sweet old woman who lived alone in the cabin by the river, would no longer be alone, since the little bear that now slept in her hands, would keep her company and drive away her loneliness forever. The sweet woman gently placed Valley in one of her hands and with the other prepared a comfortable place for the little one to sleep. She prepared a small makeshift bed for her with the bread basket and soft kitchen towels and let her sleep there.

While Valley slept, the lady watched her attentively, Valley was so small and adorable, she wondered how such a sweet creature could exist. Little Valley slept for a short time, as her tummy began to roar causing her to wake up very hungry, when she saw her, the older woman laughed, understanding what the little bear wanted, but began to think what food she could give her, she knew nothing about her, what she could eat or what she might like, so she began to check in her kitchen anything that was suitable for Valley, but she could not find anything and that was making her anxious. While the grandmother was looking for something to feed the bear, Valley watched her with curiosity, until her eyes fell on a jar with lavender jam, the little bear's tummy began to roar, and with great effort she got out of the breadbasket and began to crawl to the jam that was on the table, Suddenly the old lady heard a little rumble and turned her eyes to Valley and when she saw her, she just gave a little sigh and began to laugh sweetly, because the little bear was completely stained with the jam that had spilled on the table, but she was happy while eating that sweet natural sauce.

PART FOUR (734 Words)

The days passed and turned into weeks that eventually turned into months. Valley grew a little more each day, bringing more joy to the sweet old lady. Her days were peaceful and quiet, the lady was teaching little by little everything she knew to the little bear and she learned with great ease, they spent their time in that cozy cabin by the river and stayed there, but Valley was growing, and as she grew, her curiosity grew bigger, causing the older woman to always have to be on the lookout for the little bear.

One of the things that Valley was most curious about were the human villages, she always heard stories from the woman she considered her mother and all those stories almost always included some small town, great was the excitement of the little bear when she found out that near the cabin where she and her sweet mother lived there was a human village. Valley's first thought was to go and explore it, but her grandmother was afraid for her, she tried to explain to her that it was not a safe place for such a small creature, and she didn't even want to think about what they could do to her if they found out about it, the little girl understood and obeyed, but her curiosity would not go away.

One day at dawn, Valley noticed that her mother had not gotten up to prepare breakfast, when she saw her, she noticed that something was wrong with her, the woman calmly explained that she had gotten sick, but if she rested, she would recover, the little bear was very worried about the older lady, she feared that something bad would happen to her, but she could not do anything about it, or so she thought until she remembered that something was wrong with her, or so she thought until she remembered that in the towns there were places where you could get medicine, so when she saw that the older lady was asleep, she took a small bag that the kind woman made for her, she went to the door and with some fear she began her journey, she was not going to let her mother be sick if she could avoid it.

Little Valley began her journey, after all it was a long way, let alone for someone as small as her, but she wasn't going to let that discourage her. She walked and walked, she had advanced for hours without stopping, but she felt she had not traveled at all, in the distance she could still see her home, but she was already tired, so she decided to sit in the shade of a tree to rest before continuing her journey. From her bag she took out a small go to eat and thus recover energy, but while she was eating, she began to feel a particular smell, it was very nice and refreshing, so she let her little nose guide her to the source of that aroma, just behind the tree was a thyme plant, its smell was so new to Valley that she loved it, and thought that her mother would also like to smell it, so carefully, she cut some sprigs of thyme and kept it in her small bag.

Now ready, she decided to continue her journey, but it was getting later and later, and she was getting scared because she had never been so far away from home and she began to miss it, or so it was until she felt a familiar voice calling her name, it was her mother who was desperately looking for her, so the little bear ran with all her strength to her and the older one when she saw her, took her in her hands and hugged her, she was worried and was relieved to see her well. Valley began to apologize to her mother and to explain why she had left home, but what she apologized for most, was for not having gotten medicine for her to recover, but the kind old lady just smiled at her, understanding the situation and then began to laugh sweetly, explaining that she had helped her, The little bear when she heard that, was very happy to know that she had helped her mother, so they both returned to their home to prepare the medicine that Valley had gotten.

PART FIVE (370Words)

Peach, a sweet and aromatic fruit, delicious to the eye and to the palate, provokes hunger just by seeing it, and that was what was causing Valley, hunger. Outside the little bear's house, there was a peach tree that was already ripe, Valley longed to eat one, but she couldn't reach them, and her mother wasn't there because she had gone to town to buy some supplies. The little bear approached the tree and looked up to see the juicy fruit hanging from a branch, Valley's tummy was roaring, she wanted to eat that peach that in her eyes, was the most perfect fruit in the world, but she didn't know how she could reach it, She tried to climb the tree, but it was so high that she tired quickly and ended up falling, luckily not from a dangerous height, she tried to reach it with a branch, but the branch was too short to reach it, she tried to throw it with a stone, but Valley's strength was not enough to reach that peach. The little girl sat frustrated on the ground under the tree while she looked at the fruit and her belly roared, her eyes began to fill with tears due to the helplessness of being so small and weak as not to reach the food she wanted, but it seemed that luck was on her side, maybe it was her clover jam filling that helped her? she didn't know, she only knew that there was a strong wind current, which made the peach she was watching with so much desire to fall, she approached it excitedly and took a bite, she wagged her little tail of happiness, it was delicious, just as she expected, so without thinking about it any more, Then she had the idea of planting the seed that the peach had given her, maybe that way she could grow a smaller tree that would be easier for her to reach, so she ran inside her home in search of her miniature gardening tools. When the sweet old lady returned from her shopping, she found a cute little Valley sleeping under the tree next to the now planted seed of the peach tree.

PART SIX (758 Words)

Within the time that Valley had been born, she had learned a lot, tried many things and had even made a friend of her own species, something that undoubtedly excited her since she was used to live among humans and more than anything, to be with the one she considered her mother, so when she met Gloom, she was excited and wanted to establish a friendship with him right away and she did it. Luckily for Valley, Gloom was a sweet and gentle little bear, somewhat shy and anxious, but he was her special friend, although she used to have to be encouraging him, whenever she could, she tried to spend time with him, she really enjoyed his company, the tea parties and picnics they organized, going out to smell wild flowers and look for figures in the clouds. In turn, Valley's sweet old mother was glad that her little bear had someone to play with that was just right for her, she enjoyed watching them play or cook together, she loved inviting Gloom to her home and spending long afternoons chatting and having a cup of tea, it was something they all enjoyed very much. It had been a while since Gloom and Valley had become friends, in fact, they were about to celebrate a year of friendship and that was something that the little lilac bear wanted to celebrate, she was so grateful for their friendship that she wanted to have a big party to enjoy with him, so, with the help of her mother, she got down to work to organize that celebration that she was so excited about.

Valley began to prepare everything in the special place they had, it was an area of Valley's garden that was full of flowers and in the middle there was a beautiful clearing, they loved to have their tea parties there, so when the little bear thought of celebrating her friendship with Gloom, she did not doubt for a minute that this was the right place for the party. An important part of every celebration are the decorations, so the little flower bear spent a week cutting out cute little paper figurines to put them as pretty hanging garlands between two very tall flowers, after that, she started preparing the food, she decided to cook a tasty strawberry pie that she insisted on preparing alone every time her mother offered to help her, but she wanted to make it by herself. Once the pie was ready, she took it to her special area, she had already put the cutlery, prepared the blanket to sit on and served the juice, now she only had to go to look for her friend to surprise him, so she went to his house, only that there was a small problem and that was that a storm had arrived, the first thing she thought of was Gloom and his fear of thunder, so she ran as fast as she could to get to him and keep him company. When Valley arrived at her friend's house, she was soaked, but she didn't care, she needed to go to see if Gloom was well, luckily for her, Gloom was asleep in his bed, it seemed that the storm had not managed to wake him up, but he was awakened by the sweet fragrance of her friend, who, seeing her soaked, got worried and ran to get a towel to dry herself. Valley with the towel on her head, went to the window and saw how it was raining heavily and then remembered the party she had prepared and how everything had to be ruined with the rain, the strawberry pie she had prepared alone, the decorations she had taken so long to make, the blanket and cutlery she had put so carefully, Gloom was worried when he saw her, he didn't understand why his friend was crying with so much pain, he thought that maybe she had hurt herself and examined her for any injury, but she didn't have anything, so he decided to ask her what she had and Valley explained everything to him. Gloom when he heard everything that Valley had prepared for him, was touched and hugged her, and told her that he did not need a party to feel happy, because Valley's friendship was enough for him, the little purple bear when she heard that hugged her friend back and then they both sat in front of the window to enjoy the rain, it was a nice celebration of friendship.

PART SEVEN (289 Words)

For many Baos, their dreams were something they saw in the future, to be great cooks or great explorers, but not Valley, for her, she was already living a dream, she was completely happy with her mother and felt that nothing else was missing, but that was something her mother worried about, She knew that at some point she would have to leave to keep her husband company and she was afraid to leave Valley alone and without any dream to pursue or to help her continue when she was gone, so she began to encourage Valley to try different hobbies and activities in search of something she wanted to improve and thus get her a dream and a hope, but Valley seemed not to need it, she enjoyed doing the activities that her mother suggested, but she soon got bored. One day the little bear asked her mother why during that last time she had made her practice different activities and the sweet old lady, exhausted for not finding a dream for her daughter, explained to her, she told her that at some point she should leave and that she did not want to leave her without something to pursue, Valley was very saddened to hear that, She knew that she had been born to keep her mother company, but she never thought about what would happen when she herself would be alone, but seeing the concern on her mother's face, she decided not to show what she felt and made her promise that she would look for a dream to pursue, although the truth is that she already had a dream and it was to enjoy every moment she spent with her sweet mother to the fullest.

MYO QUESTLINE (1-7) "Valley"
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In Quest Spotlight ・ By Karu-chan
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Submitted By Karu-chan for ❌ MYO Questline (Resubmissions)
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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