A magical task

In Quest Spotlight ・ By Pugs
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Last time on Bon Baoyage

Frankie worked off the debt at Rosebeary's Bistro and were now exploring the city to continue the tour! They were introduced to the city hub and with wonder and magic in Frankie's eyes he was told about the plaza and then shown it, there was a lot going on around them as he stared at some of the cafe shops, below was the subway as they looked over the railing. This place was amazing! Frankie noticed the bulletin board nearby and tapped their chin with a paw, hmm should he? they asked Bao if it was ok to look at it and they were given the ok by their tour guide! With the ok to do so, they approached the bulletin board to see what was on it.

Posts for jobs and other such flyers were pinned to it, they got Bao's ok again to accept one of the posts that were pinned up there. Frankie read them all slowly to not make a mistake on doing something he was out of his comfort zone with, He hummed in thought before finding one that seemed easy enough and took the flyer with him, they gave Bao a heads up where he was going and that he'll be back once they finished the job and if he got beans out of it they'll treat him to a snack after all that walking around. Following the directions of the flyer's map they ended up at a little place away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

The place was interesting, the whole home was shaped like a star! Wow wow! How beautiful! How neat! Frankie went up to the door of the star shaped home and knocked on it, there was silence for a minute then the stampeding sound of little peets on the floor rushing to answer "yes?" a fantastical bao in magical get up stood before them, Frankie clapped at their appearance making the other rub the back of their head in shyness oh but what were they here for! "Oh is that my flyer?" they nodded and handed it over as they made extra sure it was theirs and this wasn't a case of wrong address, happens more than you think!

"Yes this is mine, thank goodness I needed help! Usually I use magic to move this dresser but um...I may or may not have misplaced my staff and now i can't move it by myself" they were embarrassed that their staff was misplaced but he'll find it once he remembers the spell for return staff! Frankie nodded and was let into the home, it was full to the brim with little trinkets and other sorcery type stuff, oh was this a map of the stars? neat! wait no time for distractions as the other bao introduced themselves "I'm Izzy! What's your name?" They squeaked out Frankie making the other nod. "Well Frankie the dresser is this way" they showed them the way as the calico bao realized that the inside was bigger than the outside!

He stared at the other with amazement in his eyes as they arrived at the room with the dresser that needs to be moved, where was it going? Just to the next room over, as they both used what doughy muscles they had to start moving it on the count of three! Frankie held on as best he could as they started to take the heavy dresser to its spot, they let out soft squeaks every now and then while Izzy mumbled about finding that staff, oh gosh this was so difficult but not undoable! With little grunts and huffs they managed to finally get it where it was meant to making both cheer now that it was all done with.

Frankie felt good having helped someone out and patted their shoulder a bit "Yes?" they took a moment to ask if there was anything else they could help with while he was here, the dresser was all that was needed help with but since they looked like they wanted to help out more Izzy said he needed some potion ingredients "I have mostly everything but this" He took a book down from their spot and showed them a picture of a glowing flower "I need one of these but I'm busy looking for my staff right now that we put the dresser away" it was important for secret bao reasons. Izzy tapped their little chin with their paw before asking him if he for sure wanted to do this.

The other nodded and the littlest of magic users gave them a map of where he can find the flower and sent them off, Frankie looked down at the map and followed it to a T as they had to help out their new magical acquaintance, he went through hell and high water before finding the flower- well it was actually just on the outskirts of the city, it looked like a normal flower until a passing cloud shaded it and the glow could be seen faintly. Well what's a bao to do if he spent all that time looking for a flower that was just right there, oh well! Frankie dug up the plant and carried it back to Izzy who was thankful, they handed him some beans for their hard work and waved him off, he felt good helping someone out not once but twice!

They returned to Bao with great haste and offered them a snack for their patience which they took as he was having fun window shopping so it was all good for now as the two made their way back to the tour, oh best not to forget that snack! as the two were on their way to their next big adventure in New Bao City where they head to the Libeary! Will they find a book? Will they get lost among the other bao bears while touring? who knows! Until next time in Bon Baoyage: The Libeary! 

A magical task
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In Quest Spotlight ・ By Pugs

Frankie's adventure continues in new bao city!

Submitted By Pugs for 💼 [1.4] City HubView Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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