Myo Quest!

In Quest Spotlight ・ By Pugs
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Ingredients Part 1


The first thing added into the bao is a Chantilly ice cream, just a plain vanilla base that was worked on for over many years to perfection. It's glossy stiff peaks show it was worked vigorously for many hours or what it felt like, it was actually minutes. It's perfectly whipped state kept cool and tasted immaculate. [57]

The second item is matcha powder! Matcha comes orginally from china during the tang dynasty but this powder isn't that old! it's actually still green, oops! it's supposed to be green! the matcha is aged just enough for a fresh young bao to roll around in and get a dust bath from, it's earthy grass like taste is not for everyone but for this bao it was! [67]

The final item is, oh my what's this? this isn't a food at all or is it? it's the controversial charcoal powder! not usually used as a food but the fuzzy little paw making this bao adds it in for the exact purpose of it being controversial! just enough was added to dye the beautiful chantilly cream grey like a rock! what wonders of wonder will come out of this mixture? [71]

Creation Part 2

Deep in a creaking old lab, behind the vaulted doors of pure iron is a catboy! That catboy is creating something magical and delicious! They mean precious not delicious! forget that word was said at all! In their little orange paws is a dumpling skin, a tasty- no an amazing thing was happening. A little bit of magic, a little bit of luck, and a whole lot of chaotic energy was put into the making of a yummy- I mean fantastical little creature! A baobear!

The filling of the baobear was a mixture of Chantilly ice cream and charcoal was stuffed into the tiny bao, soon it was taking shape and form of a bear but the bear was still not ready yet. The catboy started to dust matcha powder on top of them just enough to coat the top before carefully transferring the bao into a steamer where the skin puffed up beautifully but halfway through cooking they were put into a huge glass tube full of bright pale blue liquid.

Inside went the little baobear and the rest of the cooking continued, buttons were pressed, cats were meowed, and the hope for the creature to live was cast into a big energy that was sent into the tube! Goodness was that a twitch? a wiggle? it was! the bao was starting to move and it giggled inside the strange liquid before looking around it's surroundings properly. Lots of test tubes full of stuff, glass beakers steaming and billowing full of colorful smoke, a clock that read three thirteen ticked away on a wall.

The baobear lives!! oh the baobear does live!! they continued to look around and saw coils of red wires and blue wires as they were taken out carefully, a tiny towel was wrapped around them and they squeaked out at the sudden change in temperature, they sneezed softly from how cold it felt now but the tiny towel helped warm them up. What else was around? tiled floor that was half clean but also half grimy, the wallpaper was stainless steel but there was green stuff on one wall and the rest were painted a lilac color for some reason.

The little baobear looked up at their creator and smiled at the orange calico before them, they raised their little doughy paws up and was nuzzled softly by their pink wet nose, oh they were sniffed and they were booped before being carried into the basket steamer they started off in, was this their bed for now? it seemed so as they curled up under their towel for now, their tummy was starting to grumble but sleep was overtaking them.

The catboy that was currently a cat watched over them and then hurried off to find food for the other, oh goodness! oh dear! they could hear the sleeping bao's grumbling and rumbling tummy so they had to hurry and find them food! but again, right now they blissfully sleep until then. What a wonderous day for the creator of the baobear! life was given and life will be loved just for them. [518]

Food Part 3

The little bao woke up full of hunger, their creator no where in sight meaning, oh no! they were alone with no food! what is a bao to do? well the hunger gnawed at their little belly so that meant they had to figure out what to eat while waiting for the other! they looked around the lab and saw something powdery nearby, they went over to the small mound and saw it was matcha, or we knew it was matcha they didn't know. The baobear took a pawful of green smooth powder into their grasp and then took a big gulp out of it when cough cough!! a dust of tiny green came out!!

It seems the other couldn't eat the powder at all which didn't help their grumbling and rumbling tummy at all, oh no they might not make it to tomorrow if this keeps up, their ears soon began to twitch at the sound of someone approaching, was it their friend? it was! it was the catboy who is currently a cat! they bounded over and with their little cat teeth picked them up and carried them back to the basket bed they had.

The catboy handed them an acorn, they couldn't find any proper food nearby but the baobear was drooling at the sight of it, an acorn! they didn't know what it was unlike us and took it happily. The acorn was nutty and yummy once smashed open with a little help, it tasted so good to them as they were now full and their face showed a content fullness as the little bao curled up with more acorns surrounding them, the nuts an emergency snack in case they woke up again, what a taxing day this has been now to sleep off all that work. [301]

Adventure Part 4

The little bao was gifted a new name now that their features started to come in, their grey skin and green dusted head and ears were cute and edible- er commendable! anyway the bao was now called BaoSmith! they were sort of named after their creators pet rock, RockSmith! how simple no? but BaoSmith loved it all the same as they were starting to get curious about their surroundings outside the lab so they squeaked up about their need to see the rest of the world!

The catboy listened to their little squeaks of power and curiosity before nodding and taking them up on their back to start their adventure! the orange calico slipped through a hole in the lab they were residing in and took them outside for the first time, there they saw a forest! oh goodness a forest!! Full of green and trees! there were wild flowers randomly dotting the grassy land, what's that? it tweets! what about those? it croaks! both happily took in the sights as they made their way down a well trodden path that was only visible to small animals.

The only thing seen was the tail of the small cat and their little ears while BaoSmith sat on their head and watched the scenery slowly change from woods to barren sandiness! oh wait! he read about this! this is a beach! Oh wow look at those sandy hills! and that over there?? its the ocean! their creator always talked about it and they too grew a little curious, wow!! look at all that water!! was it salty like the book mentioned? oh goodness!! it was!! wow!!

They were set down carefully after tasting the water and with him in the warm silky sand had him very curious about the taste and ate some making them cough up sandy cloud, amazing everything is amazing! But now they had the whole world [beach] to explore as they got on all fours and just sprinted around the sandy bumps and hills trying to see everything while the sun was still up. They found a turban shell and explored inside, whoa! sand inside it too? how did it get here? curious!

After the turban shell they watched the waves of the sea splish and splash on the bank of the sand, they had to be careful or else they'd be swept out to the open sea and he can't let his dough get too soggy! gosh that'd be terrible!! they did toss a few grass blades into the water though to watch it go drifting off, they felt their stomach rumble and went back to their creator to ask for food. Squeaking up a storm they were given some money to go and buy something nice and filling with it oh but what should they buy? the tasty hotdogs nearby? the smell of the grilled meat was tempting oh but there was also snow cones! snow cones with lots of sweet sugary syrup! maybe he'll add whip cream and other goodies into it.

Their eyes soon landed on a nearby ice cream cart and they sprinted over with money in a little pouch they were given, they handed over the cash and was given a tiny ice cream cone that was just right for him, they ate up and sat in the warm sand enjoying the day at the beach, this adventure was so fun he wish it could never end but BaoSmith will have to go back home once it got too dark, it'd be dangerous for a little bao to be left alone at night! their creator came over to pick him up and stared down at a cream smeared face, the bao didn't mean to get messy but it just happened that way.

They were picked up and set down on the fuzzy back of the cat, they were going back home as the sun was starting to set, wow it didn't feel like so much time has passed staring out across the sea but it happened! BaoSmith got comfy on the others back and ended up sleeping the entire way back, they were tucked into their basket and slept off the adventure of the beach with their creator curling up around the basket to keep them safe. [715]

Danger Part 5

BaoSmith stared up at the stack of non bao friendly books, oh dear he had a bunch of little ones thanks to his creator but the information he needed still weren't made for his size, they rubbed their temples and tried to think of what to do, they sat down and tried to get their thoughts in order. BaoSmith thought deeply before finally getting an idea where they will climb the books and try to read the top one! which is what he needed to see anyway.

With a plan in mind they began to climb! it will be perilous but it's better than nothing as they got up and with one paw over the other they started their ascent! it was a dangerous situation but they had to learn about the situation! this knowledge is very much needed when suddenly the books started to wiggle, oh no they were precariously set up! that means the books were going to topple if they weren't careful as they tried to reach the next step only to slip. Now they were dangling! oh no they couldn't get a good grip, he's going to fall if he doesn't do something! BaoSmith let out a squeak hoping their creator hears them but who knows where he was! this is getting far too dangerous.

BaoSmith felt their grip starting to slip and began to sway, if they use enough momentum they'll be able to maybe swing high enough to get their other paw on the ledge, swing and sway they went left and right. The little bao bear was being risky doing this but there was no other choice as they finally grabbed the ledge and looked down, they were five books high and it may not seem like a lot but he's such a small bao! it was plenty high up that falling could hurt them! thank goodness he managed to get out of this trouble as they finally reached the top of the books and looked down at the title, wait a minute, this was the wrong book! oh what's a bao to do? [351]

Friends Part 6

Today BaoSmith is going out into town where they will choose things for dinner that are actually really edible instead of eating whatever they found on the ground which they've been told not to do, but who's going to stop them? the trip to town was a bit of a walk but it was worth it to see the sights and enjoy the fresh crisp air as the cat they were on finally reached the market and the bao was given some money to try and buy food on their own, they had to be independent! They can't stay with their creator the entire time and this was just step one of being able to live on their own!

They looked around the area for starters, they saw some grapes and pondered if they should have any when they spotted a flash of white, a pair of lovable ears, and a tail that looked ever so soft! was that? it was! it was another Bao Bear! BaoSmith hurried over and squeaked into view, the other looked and was surprised to see another Bao in the market, they were curious of one another and the first to interact was the grey little bao who was looking over the other. They were gradient and full of clouds, wow!! it was like they were shining full of goodness and friendship as they put a doughy paw on their face.

The stranger did the same to them and they both were squeaking up a storm in joy at having found a new friend, they introduced themselves quickly enough and BaoSmith learned what their name was, Opal! Opal the Bao Bear!! It was such a pretty name and they told them so. Opal asked what they were here for when BaoSmith revealed he was getting dinner things! he was thinking grapes! but just grapes isn't a meal though others may disagree. They talked about what kind of food they could gather to make a proper dinner for later, the two put their heads together literally and figurately before they each decided what to get!

BaoSmith decided on lasagna with lots of good veggie sides, the saucy goodness mixed with the crisp veggies they are picking oh it made their belly rumble, Opal decided on Lime glazed chicken, oh they could taste the sour savoriness making them drool a little, both giggled at their choices in joy and went paw in paw together looking for the right ingredients, they touched some of the goods or sniffed some others, it was fun hanging out with someone from the same baoness! "BaoSmith these eggplants look good!" so they did, good job opal and was given a hug for pointing them out.

"Limes!" BaoSmith found them by smell and they clapped cheerfully as they were almost done, just in time too since the sun was getting low, wow time flew by when you're having fun with a new friend! Both got the rest of their items while holding paws again, they had to part ways making them sad but BaoSmith promised to find them, they exchanged information on how to find the other and waved each other off! Wow, the little bao couldn't wait to find their friend again and have more fun, they yawned a bit but were strangely full of energy as they talked about their new friend to their creator. [564]

Goals Part 7

BaoSmith spent a lot of time with their creator when one day they learned that they had made another Bao Bear besides them, what amazing news! who were they and where were they? the little bao asked about them a lot but there was hardly any information so it was time, it was time to move out! the other didn't mind as they knew this was going to happen at one point but it was still sad as they hugged their creator as they began to plan their adventure in finding this other bao, That was their goal! Find this Frankie Bao Bear and be his friend! BaoSmith yawned as they got comfy on top of their cat shaped creator.

They kept thinking of the future of finding this other bao and curling up in the fluffy warmth of the other, they'll find this other bao and talk about all the things they experienced and seen so far, then ask why they didn't stay with the other before slowly falling asleep, his dreams were full of searching high and low for this recently learned bao, climbing mountains and riding waves of the sea, his goal and dream to see this other bao was all he could think of and tomorrow is another day for planning while getting ready to move out to find them, what a good way to end the day this time. [234]

Myo Quest!
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In Quest Spotlight ・ By Pugs

Lets gooo!!

Submitted By Pugs for ❌ MYO Questline (Resubmissions)View Favorites
Submitted: 8 months agoLast Updated: 8 months ago

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