Table for three, please

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They’re late…” Bearlock grimaced, looking up from his pocket watch.

In the middle of a huge field under a stone pavilion, Bearlock sat alone at a table set up for at least six other guests. The table, lavishly decorated with fragile porcelain cups and a golden cake stand. The cake stand held dozens of pastries and finger foods ready to be eaten.

8 o’clock was the agreed upon time and to leave a bear of such importance waiting was simply unacceptable. He had better things he could be doing right now, mysteries that needed solving, documents to look over. He let out a sigh and placed his pocket watch back into his jacket pocket for safe keeping.

His paw tapped the table impatiently, he turned his head looking around to see if other baos would show up. Of course, there was nothing but himself, and hundreds of flowers as far as the eye could see. He turned back to the table, his attention now on the large teapot that sat near the center of the table.

It would be rude to serve yourself when all the guests haven’t arrived, Bearlock thought, but even if I were just to have one cup before the others arrive no one would know the difference.

He stared at the teapot more, his brain rationalizing on what to do.

The tea is getting cold the longer you wait, he thought, it’s not your fault everyone is late…

I wonder what kind of tea is there? Perhaps a Darjeeling or maybe a--

Hey-o!” a piercing voice.

Bearlock jumped in his seat.

You frightened me,” he said turning in the direction of the voice. He was greeted by the grinning face of Bearmillion.

Hey Bearlock, sorry I’m late,” Bearmillion said, stealing one of the empty seats, “I was chasing-“

You were chasing a flutterbun,” Bearlock interjected.

Yea how did you-“

It was quite obvious I can see the traces of pollen stuck on you, not to mention the light scent of sweat. Looks you weren’t successful I take it?”

A frown appeared on Bearmillion’s face, but only for a second “Yeah the little critters are just too darn fast, I can’t get a clear shot of them,” he said taking out his phone. His paws slid expertly across the screen, and in a couple of seconds he was showing off to Bearlock the recent photos he had taken.

Bearlock’s eyes were fixed onto the screen, as Bearmillion swiped to the next picture. Some of the pictures he had taken were quite nice, the sun setting against the cloud clover field was breath-taking. The two hues of the crimson sky mixed with the violet flowers melded together so wonderfully. Bearmillion had clearly been here almost all day.

Bearmillion started to laugh, “Hey man do you always have to look so serious?” his bushy tail flicked.

Whatever are you talking about?”

Your brow is always furrowed,” Bearmillion started, leaning back from his seat, “like you’re thinking of something important. Lighten up it’s not like we’re on the job now. We’re here for a tea party!”

Yes… a tea party, where everybody is late” Bearlock said sounding a little annoyed, “I’ve been here a while now and so far you’re the only other guest here.”

Late?” Bermillion’s head tilted, “I’m not that late”.

You’re fifteen minutes late,” Bearlock started.

OH! Fifteen minutes come’on I’m pretty much on time”.

Bearlock paused to compose himself, his patience was growing thinner. Perhaps it was a mistake coming to this tea party tonight. “You know I’m a very busy bear, when I am invited to an event I expect... punctuality,” he raised his paws around to make a statement.

Bearmillion just stared at Bearlock with an un-amused expression, almost as to say, really? Bearlock stared back, and soon the two found themselves in a staring contest. Neither wanted to lose.

Hey guys!”

Both bao’s jumped in their seat, but it was Bearlock who turned his gaze first.

Theobear was taking a seat in one of the empty chairs, in hand a bouquet of freshly plucked cloud clovers.

Isn’t it wonderful here, the cloud clovers are so beautiful,” Theobear said putting the bouquet down, “I could spend all day here” he smiled.

Bearmillion chimed in, “Definitely, did you manage to spot any flufferbuns?”

Theobear shook his head, his attention drawn to the slice of cake in the middle of the cake stand. It looked so perfect and so enticing. The frosting looked soft and fluffy like freshly laid snow on the first day of winter.

Bearlock cleared his throat, “A’hem, Don’t even think about it Theobear.”

Theobear frowned, “What are you talking about?”

I see the look in your eyes, we do not start this party till all  the guests arrive.”

Theobear crossed his arms and gave his best puppy-dog eyes, but Bearlock would not be deterred. He had been here first and if anyone were to have the first dibs on the cake it would be him.

You’re making the same face again,” Bearmillion said, but Bearlock did not hear him he was getting upset at this buffoonery. He sat there in silence for a bit looking over the three other empty seats. Theobear and Bearmillion were having a conversation in the meantime.

Bearlock took out his pocket watch, and checked the time. Twenty-six minutes late now, this was getting ridiculous. He put away his pocket watch again in a huff, and turned to see if any other of the late party guests were on their way. Suddenly the sound tea being poured caught his attention.

Theobear what are you doing?” Bearlock said.

What does it look like?” Theobear said pouring more tea in the other tea cups on the table.

Bearlock sat flabbergasted by the audacity of Theobear.

I know you said we should wait, but I think we have enough baos to get this tea party started.

Bearlock opened his mouth again to protest, but was interrupted by a low growling noise. Everyone froze, and began looking around to see what was the source of the sound. Theobear almost spilled the tea all over the table.

“Sorry, that was my stomach,” Bearlock said, rubbing his stomach with a sheepish smile.

Bearmillion and Theobear shared a look before the three of them burst out in a fit of laughter.

“There we go, a smile,” Bearmillion said.

“I am rather peckish, I suppose there would be no harm in starting.”

And so the three baos sat enjoying the food and company of each other. Bearlock found himself forgetting how grumpy he was prior. If the other bao’s came he would invite them to join with open arms, but for now he would enjoy the time spent with the two that were here.

He took a bite of the cake sat in front of him. He was happy he came here tonight.

Table for three, please
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In Event Spotlight ・ By gouraku

Bearlock is waiting for the other guests of the tea party to arrive.

Submitted By gouraku
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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